While dividend payout is a common indicator of financial strength in fundamental stock analysis, the dividend yield is more useful for investors who have a strong desire to receive investment dividends.
Stock price appreciation is usually a distant second to dividend income for dividend investors. The annual dividend divided by the stock’s trading price equals the dividend yield. Apple’s quarterly dividend was $0.22 per share in the second quarter of 2021. Apple’s dividend yield was 0.6 percent as of July 18, 2021, based on its stock price of $149.39.
Apple’s annual payouts have steadily increased in the years since the firm reinstated its dividend in 2012, but its stock has risen at much higher rates, potentially making its dividend yield less competitive for dividend income investors.
Does Apple stock pay dividends 2021?
On August 6, 2021, Apple Inc. (AAPL) will begin trading ex-dividend. On August 12, 2021, the company will issue a cash dividend of $0.22 per share. The cash dividend is payable to shareholders who acquired AAPL before the ex-dividend date. This is a -73.17 percent reduction from the previous dividend payment. The dividend yield is.6 percent at the current stock price of $146.95.
How often does Apple stock pay dividends?
Apple pays dividends on a regular basis. Apple, like most other dividend-paying corporations in the United States, pays four dividends per year, which means that investors get a dividend payment every quarter.
Why is Apple dividend so low?
It’s because Apple’s new debt has an extremely low interest rate. Particularly on the $2.5 billion in five-year notes, which have a lower after-tax interest cost for Apple than the cash dividend it pays to its common stockholders. Apple, on the other hand, does not get a tax break on the dividend.
How much does Apple pay per stock?
AAPL pays a $0.87 per share dividend. The yearly dividend yield for AAPL is 0.58 percent. Apple’s dividend is lower than the 1.43 percent industry average in the United States, as well as the US market average of 4.24 percent.
How long do you have to hold a stock to get the dividend?
You must keep the stock for a certain number of days in order to earn the preferential 15 percent tax rate on dividends. Within the 121-day period around the ex-dividend date, that minimal term is 61 days. 60 days before the ex-dividend date, the 121-day period begins.