How Many People Are In Student Loan Debt?

According to the Federal Reserve, 30 percent of all American adults will be drowning in student loan debt by 2020.

How many people are behind on student loan debt?

More than one million people a year have taken out school loans during the past decade.

  • 38.3 million Americans still owe money on student loans from their time in college.
  • There are 17.9 million persons in the United States who owe money on their postgraduate degrees.
  • Grad PLUS loans were used by 1.4 million students, while Perkins loans were used by 1.8 million.
  • At the very least, 15.8 million people are saddled with student loan debt from both their undergraduate and graduate degrees.
  • People with outstanding college loans report that 6.1 million of them have fallen behind on their repayments.
  • There are at least 3.5 million borrowers with student loan debt who have taken out loans on behalf of their children or grandchildren.

Student Loan Moratorium

This law was implemented by the federal government in the second and third quarters of fiscal year (FY) 2019. Student loan debt relief will be available through 2022 for the estimated 20 million people who were directly affected by the new law.

  • In the third quarter, 22.3 million borrowers were in forbearance, an increase of 18.5 million from the previous quarter.
  • The number of borrowers presently repaying their loans has decreased by 17.8 million from the previous quarter.
  • More over 5 million indebted students are currently in school, a decrease of 900,000 from the previous quarter.
  • Borrowers in the grace period of 1.5 million, which is an increase of 300,000 from the previous financial quarter.
  • The number of delinquent debtors has decreased by 500,000 in the last quarter.
  • The number of borrowers in default has decreased by 200,000 in the last quarter, to 5.6 million.
  • The number of delinquent borrowers has dropped by 2.1 million over the previous quarter.

Student Loan Debt Across Demographics

Most debt-related demographic information is given as a proportion of the total population because of privacy and anti-discrimination legislation.

  • Associate’s degree holders owe the federal government an average of $21,890 each.

What percentage of US population has student debt?

In the United States, one in eight people (12.9 percent) have student loan debt. United States Department of Education (USDOE) figures show that 42.9 million people have federal student loans.

How many people are in student debt 2020?

Highlights of the report. Over $1.75 trillion is owed in student loans in the United States, which has grown six times faster than the national economy.*

  • 42.9 million Americans have federal student loan debt, and the average balance is $37,105 per borrower.
  • CARES Act of 2020 qualified more than 35 million of these borrowers for general student debt relief.
  • A bachelor’s degree requires an average of $30,030 in student loans from a public university.

Despite the fact that the total student loan debt has climbed at an average monthly rate of $56 million, growth slowed while several million federal loans were under 0% interest deferment.

COVID’s Impact on Student Debt

A surge in unemployment and 3.2 million new federal student loan borrowers contributed to the highest increase in student loan debt since 2013. Although student debt reduction measures may have contributed to lowering the average student loan debt, it is not clear how much.

  • Students who attended public colleges and universities in May of 2020 had a default rate of 9 percent.
  • Borrowers who went to private, nonprofit schools accounted for 7 percent of defaults, whereas private, for-profit school borrowers accounted for 24 percent of defaults.
  • Early in 2020, 75.3% of private student loans were being repaid, while 20% of them were being deferred.
  • Only a few private lenders offer deferred interest, despite the fact that many offer suspension of payments for up to three months.

Federal Loan Debt Under CARES

The federal student loan debt of 42.9 million borrowers is $1.59 billion. The CARES Act provided student loan debt relief to at least 20 million borrowers in the second and third quarters of 2020.

  • Under the CARES Act of 2020, an estimated 35 million Americans may be eligible for college debt reduction.
  • While student loan debt in repayment declined by 82 percent between 2020’s second and third quarters, student loan debt in forbearance climbed by 375 percent.
  • There was a 0.44 percent drop in student loan forbearance between the third and fourth quarters of the financial year.
  • Due to the forbearance period, 56.65 percent of all federal student loans will not be paid in full until September 20, 2021.
  • This figure is 97% lower than the figure for the second quarter of the financial year when 40.1 percent of federal student loan borrowers had debts under repayment, which is the lowest level since the second quarter of 2012.
  • Students who are still in school account for 8% of the total student loan debt.

The CARES Act may not apply to all government loans. Other payment options, such deferral or income-driven repayment plans, may still be available to borrowers with these types of loans.

What percentage of the population has student loan debt?

Who Has Student Loan Debt in the United States? According to the Federal Reserve, nearly 30 percent of American adults will have student loan debt by 2020. 1 There has been a rise in the importance of a college degree in the job market.

Who owns most student debt?

The U.S. Department of Education owns the vast majority of student loans, at 92%, according to a report released in July 2021 by academic data business MeasureOne. 42.9 million people are currently enrolled in federal student loans.

What is the average student loan debt in 2021?

According to Federal Reserve figures for the second quarter of 2021, the total student loan debt in the United States is $1.73 trillion.

According to the Department of Education’s most recent data from March 2021, the average student loan debt in the United States is $37,062.

According to Federal Student Aid data, students owe $1.59 trillion in federal loans and $136.31 billion in private student loans as of Q1 2021, according to the Measure One Private Student Loan Report.

All other forms of debt in the United States have been overtaken by student loan debt, save for mortgage debt.

For the most part, you’d anticipate mortgages to be the most common form of debt, but when it comes to student loans, they’re in a close second place. In order to earn an undergraduate or graduate degree, you may have to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There has been an increase in the amount students owe on their education loans, and this is why we’ve compiled a list of student loan debt stats to help you better understand your financial situation.

Why is student debt so high?

The rising number of students attending college has resulted in an increase in student debt. Most high school students in the late 1980s and early 1990s did not attend college or university; of those who did, less than half borrowed money to pay for their education. More and more high school students are going to college, and many of them are taking out student loans as a result.

According to U.S. News and World Report, the average student borrower’s debt increased by 26% between 2009 and 2020. Because the cost of attending college has increased at a rate that is many times more than the average student’s salary, many students are taking out more student loans. The cost of college in the United States is higher than in most other wealthy countries, where higher education is generally free or significantly subsidized. In the wake of the Great Recession, states in the United States have reduced funding for public institutions and colleges.

What is the average student loan debt?

Data from the U.S. News and World Report shows that recent college graduates have an average student loan debt of about $30,000. At 9:00 a.m. on September 14, 2021 According to U.S. News & World Report’s annual poll, graduates of the Class of 2020 borrowed an average of $29,927 in student debt.

What is the average student loan debt per person?

The average student loan debt increased as the total debt increased and the number of indebted borrowers remained nearly the same.

  • A 4.0 percent increase in federal student loan debt from $35,097 has been seen since the fall of 2019.
  • The average private student loan debt increased by 12.66 percent from $48,750 during the same time period.
  • Getting a bachelor’s degree takes an average of 33,900 dollars in student loans from private nonprofit universities.
  • A minimum of $15,000 is required of all postsecondary students, including those pursuing certifications and associate’s degrees.

Average Student Loan Debt by State

  • In the third quarter of 2020, the average federal student loan debt per borrower in Colorado increased by $853.
  • The second-largest gain in Vermont’s debt was $599 per borrower, a decrease of 29.8% from Colorado’s.
  • In Florida, student loan borrowers had the highest fall in their average debts of $1,580 each.
  • Student loan debt in North Dakota decreased by $830 per person, or 47.5% less than in Florida.
  • The cost of borrowing in New Mexico and Massachusetts decreased by $4 and $5, respectively.

How long pay off student debt?

How long it takes you to pay off student loans depends on the type of loan and repayment period you select. Most borrowers take longer to pay off their federal loans than the standard 10-year repayment period.

How much student debt is too much?

How much money you expect to make after college can be a good indicator of how much debt you should be willing to take on. When it comes to borrowing money, you should not exceed your starting wage for the first year after graduation. Having adequate money to pay back your student loans is essential. Taking out more student loans than you need if you expect to make $40,000 in your first entry-level job after graduation is a bad idea.