Where To Spend Bonus Bonds?

If you have a Bonus Bond card, make your payment on the website as if you were using a credit or debit card; however, you cannot use the Bonus Bond card as a partial payment; it must cover the entire amount of your order.

What is the procedure for redeeming Bonus Bonds?

Why did ANZIS decide to cease taking new Bonus Bond investments and close the scheme down? With low interest rates reducing the Bonus Bonds prize pool, the plan stopped to new investment on August 25, 2020, and ANZ Investment Services New Zealand Limited (ANZIS) announced its intention to start winding up the Scheme by the end of October 2020.

The scheme’s wind-up, which began at 9 p.m. on Saturday, October 31, 2020, was confirmed by ANZIS, the manager, and Trustees Executors Limited, the supervisor.

No Bonus Bonds can be purchased or redeemed in a wind-up situation, and money will be returned to bondholders as they become available. A monthly prize draw will no longer be held. You will not be able to cash in your Bonus Bonds; instead, throughout the wind-up process, you will receive one or more distributions from the Scheme.

What is the duration of Bonus Bonds?

In exchange, we ask that you invest your child’s money with us for the whole 5-year period. However, we understand that this isn’t always possible, and your child may require funds before the conclusion of the semester. So, with our Children’s Bonds, you can cash out your investment early, but there will be a penalty.

How can I check the status of my bonus bond?

You can manage your Bonus Bonds at any time of day or night, from anywhere with an internet connection.

Please be aware that you will no longer be able to access MyBonusBonds to check your balance, update your contact information, or send your wind-up instructions as of November 5th. If you have any questions or need to make any adjustments to your Bonus Bonds, please contact our Bonus Bonds staff at the numbers listed below.

What happens to Bonus Bonds that aren’t claimed?

After the plan is closed, Treasury will oversee the process of claiming funds.

Anyone who believes they may have Bonus Bonds should contact ANZ right away so they can receive their payments as soon as possible.

How do people contact ANZ about Bonus Bonds?

You can call the designated phone line at 0800-266-374 if you suspect you might be a Bonus Bondholder. Visit www.bonusbonds.co.nz for more details.

Have Bonus Bonds been distributed?

The remaining $680 million owing to investors who had their money locked up in the defunct Bonus Bonds fund for more than a year has been reimbursed by ANZ.

ANZ announced the closure of the Bonus Bonds fund in August last year, offering the largest single winding up of a fund in New Zealand history, with $3.25 billion to be returned to investors.

However, after initially planning to repay the remaining bondholders by October of this year, ANZ announced that the payment plan had been postponed.

The delays were caused by a lack of IT professionals and the necessity to invest in IT systems in order to make payments to investors, according to the report.

What is the time frame for redeeming bonds?

If you want to redeem a paper E/EE or I bond, you’ll need a few items. You’ll also need confirmation of identity, such as a driver’s license from the United States. You’ll also need an FS Form 1522 that hasn’t been signed. They’ll see you sign the document and then certify your signature if you go to your local bank or credit union.

The unsigned bonds, along with the signed FS Form 1522 and, if you’re the bond’s beneficiary, accompanying legal evidence or other papers to indicate you’re entitled to cash the bond, should be sent to the US Department of Treasury at:

The same steps apply for series H or HH paper bonds, only you’ll ship the unsigned bonds to the US Treasury at:

How much do Bonus Bonds cost?

One dollar is equal to one bonus bond or unit, and each unit has a chance of winning. According to reports, the average win is around $27.50, resulting in a tax-free return of around 3.4 percent.

Are Bonus Bonds subject to taxation?

If a unit holder’s total payments from the Scheme are equal to or less than $1 per Bonus Bond held, the unit holder should not be required to pay income tax on such payouts. For each tax year, the Scheme’s practice has been to keep and pay tax on its investment income.

What is the procedure for cashing in my children’s savings bonds?

Savings Notes, Series E, Series EE, and Series I can only be cashed at a financial institution or bank. If it’s a different form of bond, you’ll have to cash it at the Federal Reserve Bank.