Bonds issued by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) or US government agencies are known as US government agency bonds. GSEs are non-profit organizations founded with a public purpose and funded by the federal government. Typically, agency bonds are issued in $1,000 denominations.
The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) and the Federal Farm Credit Banks (FFCB), which are regional bank systems, are examples of GSEs. The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac) are privately held businesses established by the federal government to provide liquidity and expand credit availability in the mortgage industry.
Federal institutions such as the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie Mae) are backed by the United States government’s full faith and credit. Mortgage pass-through securities are frequently used to issue GNMAs.
- The government of the United States does not guarantee GSE debt. GSE debt is completely the issuer’s responsibility, and hence has a higher credit risk than US Treasury securities.
- Interest earned on agency bonds is normally taxed at both the federal and state levels.
- State taxes are not levied on interest on some agency bonds, such as those issued by the FHLB and FFCB.
- When agency bonds are purchased at a discount, they may be subject to capital gains taxes when sold or redeemed. For more information, investors should speak with a tax professional.
- GSE or agency bonds are not traded by Vanguard Brokerage Services. Vanguard Brokerage can provide access to a secondary over-the-counter market if you wish to sell your GSE or agency bonds before they mature. Liquidity for GSE or agency bonds is normally provided by the secondary market, however liquidity varies based on a bond’s attributes, lot size, and other market conditions. It may be difficult to sell GNMAs that have had a large principal reduction.
- Vanguard Brokerage may receive a concession from the issuer on new issue agency bonds purchased in the primary market. Vanguard Brokerage has the right to levy a commission if a concession is not available. Transactions in the secondary market will be subject to commissions.
- Interest rates can cause the price of agency bonds to rise or fall. Long-term bond prices are more affected by interest rate movements than short-term bond prices.
- All agency bonds are subject to the risk that the issuer will default or be unable to make timely interest and principal payments. GSE debt is completely the issuer’s responsibility, and hence has a higher credit risk than US Treasury securities.
- Call provisions on some agency bonds allow the issuer to redeem the bonds before the stated maturity date. During periods of falling interest rates, issuers are more likely to call bonds.
- Economic, political, legal, or regulatory changes, as well as natural calamities, can have an impact on a GSE or agency issuer’s financial status and capacity to make timely payments to bondholders. Event risk is unpredictable and has the potential to have a major impact on bondholders.
- Agency bonds that are sold before their maturity date may be liable to a significant gain or loss. The secondary market may be restricted as well.
Are issues issued by US government agencies tax-exempt?
Federal taxes apply to all government agency securities. At the state level, corporations and individuals are taxed differently. Individuals are exempt from state and municipal taxes on all Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Farm Credit Bank bonds.
What is the difference between US Treasury and federal agency securities?
Mortgage pass-through instruments are frequently issued as Federal Government Agency Bond GNMAs. The full face amount of the agency bond is remitted to the bondholder at maturity. Federal agency bonds pay a little higher interest rate than Treasury bonds because they are less liquid.
Are agency bonds considered government securities?
Bonds issued or guaranteed by U.S. federal government agencies are referred to as “agencies,” as are bonds issued by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), which are organizations founded by Congress to promote a public purpose, such as affordable housing.
Bonds issued or guaranteed by federal entities such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), like Treasuries, are backed by the “full confidence and credit of the United States government.” When a debt security matures, this is an unconditional commitment to pay interest payments and refund the principle investment to you in full.
GSE bonds, such as those issued by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac), are not guaranteed by the federal government. GSE bonds are subject to credit risk.
It’s crucial to learn everything you can about the company that’s issuing the agency bond, especially if it’s a GSE. The agency bond market’s players—Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Farmer Mac—are publicly traded companies that register their stock with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and make public disclosures such as annual reports, quarterly reports, and reports on current events that may affect the company. These documents can include information on the company’s financial health, difficulties and prospects, and short- and long-term corporate objectives. These corporate filings can be found on the SEC’s website. It’s crucial to learn about the issuing agency because it will influence the strength of any agency bond guarantee. It should be regular practice to check a company’s credit rating before investing.
Most agency bonds have a semiannual fixed coupon and are marketed in a variety of increments, with a $10,000 minimum investment for the first increment and $5,000 increments after that. As seen in the graphic, the tax status of agency bonds varies:
Is the FNMA supported by the US government?
The United States Congress founded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two federally backed mortgage businesses. Neither institution is responsible for the origination or servicing of its own mortgages. Instead, they purchase and guarantee mortgages issued by secondary mortgage lenders.
Are TVA bonds free from taxation?
TVA securities are normally free from state and local income taxes on both the principal and interest. A state and local income tax exempt TVA bond’s effective yield may thus be higher than a comparable taxable bond with the same coupon rate.
Do agency bonds have a price in 32nds?
US government debt is quoted in percentage of par format, similar to how corporate bonds are. US Government securities, on the other hand, are quoted in 32nds rather than eighths. Because the market is broader and has more price movements, government bonds are quoted in 32nds.
Are Ginnie Mae bonds exempt from taxes?
The interest you earn on a GNMA mortgage-backed bond is fully taxable on your federal and state tax returns. At the end of the year, your investment broker will send you a 1099-INT stating how much interest you received from your bonds, and that interest will be reported on your tax returns as taxable income. The interest will be taxed at the same rate as your ordinary income tax.
Is the Tennessee Valley Authority a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE)?
The Tennessee Valley Authority is a well-known government investment organization (TVA). GSEs are privately held, publicly chartered finance institutions established by Congress to provide liquidity to loans made to specific groups of borrowers, including as farmers, ranchers, homeowners, and students.