Why Issue Green Bonds?

Green bonds are similar to conventional bonds in that the money raised from investors is used solely to fund projects that have a good influence on the environment, such as renewable energy and green buildings. Companies issue green bonds for a variety of reasons. Green bonds, which finance ecologically beneficial initiatives, are becoming more popular

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Why Issue Callable Bonds?

Companies issue callable bonds to take advantage of potential interest rate reductions. According to the bond’s terms, the issuing corporation can redeem callable bonds before the maturity date. If interest rates fall, the corporation can redeem outstanding bonds and reissue debt at a cheaper interest rate. As a result, the cost of capital is reduced.

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Why Issue Bonds Offshore?

International debt financing is critical for the development of emerging economies because it provides access to more liquidity, a larger investor base, and more effective rules and regulations for EM enterprises. However, the late-nineties financial crisis, along with recent rapid expansion in corporate debt in emerging markets, caused policymakers to reconsider the danger of offshore

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