Who Invented Bonds?

United States Savings Bonds have encouraged saving and broad involvement by Americans in government financing since 1935, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed legislation creating the first “baby bond.” The Savings Bond Program has a long history of adapting to fit the demands of the American investor, from the Series E bond, which contributed billions […]

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Who Insures Municipal Bonds?

Municipal bonds are insured by AMBAC (American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation), MBIA (Municipal Bond Insurance Association), and FGIC (Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation). Are FDIC-insured municipal bonds available? The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures your bank account assets (checking or savings). SIPC insurance, on the other hand, safeguards your brokerage account assets. These two types

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Who Holds Municipal Bonds?

Roads, bridges, airports, schools, hospitals, water treatment facilities, power plants, courthouses, and other public structures are examples of significant, expensive, and long-term capital projects for which state and municipal governments issue bonds. State and municipal governments can, and do, pay for capital investments using current income, but borrowing allows them to spread the expenses across

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