How Do REITs Work?

REITs (real estate investment trusts) are common financial entities that pay dividends to their shareholders. One disadvantage of non-traded REITs (those that aren’t traded on a stock exchange) is that investors may find it difficult to investigate them. Investors find it difficult to sell non-traded REITs because they have low liquidity. When interest rates rise, […]

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How Do You Pronounce REIT?

Some people are wary of REITs because they have a funny name and sound sophisticated. REITs were “created by Congress to make real estate incomprehensible,” according to financial author Roger Lowenstein. He was simply slightly exaggerating his point. Then there’s the issue of pronunciation. REIT is a terrible little term that rhymes with street. You’ll

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Can REITs Lose Money?

REITs (real estate investment trusts) are common financial entities that pay dividends to their shareholders. One disadvantage of non-traded REITs (those that aren’t traded on a stock exchange) is that investors may find it difficult to investigate them. Investors find it difficult to sell non-traded REITs because they have low liquidity. When interest rates rise,

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