
What Is Canadas Debt?

The obligations of the government sector in Canada are referred to as “government debt” or “public debt.” The market value of financial liabilities, or gross debt, for the consolidated Canadian general government in 2020 (the fiscal year ending 31 March 2021) was $2,852 billion ($74,747 per capita) (federal, provincial, territorial, and local governments combined). In

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What Is A Crown Debt?

In English law, an obligation owed to the crown is known as a crown debt. The monarch enjoys priority over all other creditors under different statutes, the first of which dates from Henry VIII of England’s reign (in 1541). At common law, the crown held a record claim on debtors’ lands and possessions, which could

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What Is A Debt Bomb?

A debt bomb occurs when a big financial organization, such as a multinational bank, fails to meet its obligations, causing disruption not just in the institution’s home country’s financial system but also in the global financial system as a whole. What is meant by debt deflation? Debt deflation is an economic theory that states that

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