When To Buy Corporate Bonds?

  • A brokerage business, bank, bond trader, or broker can help you buy corporate bonds on the primary market.
  • On the over-the-counter market, some corporate bonds are exchanged and offer considerable liquidity.
  • Before you invest, familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of corporate bonds, such as how they’re valued, the risks they entail, and how much interest they pay.

Are corporate bonds a decent investment right now?

Bond Fundamentals U.S. government debt is regarded as one of the safest investments available. Corporate bond terms range from less than 5 years to more than 10 years. Because they carry the most risk, corporate bonds pay the highest yields.

When interest rates are low, should you buy bonds?

  • Bonds are debt instruments issued by corporations, governments, municipalities, and other entities; they have a lower risk and return profile than stocks.
  • Bonds may become less appealing to investors in low-interest rate settings than other asset classes.
  • Bonds, particularly government-backed bonds, have lower yields than equities, but they are more steady and reliable over time, which makes them desirable to certain investors.

When is the best time to buy a bond?

  • If you bought bonds in October – December 2021 and were expecting to buy more but hit the annual limit, now is a good time to acquire I bonds.
  • If you want to “get the greatest deal,” you should keep an eye on the CPI-U inflation indicator.
  • The difference between the March figure (released in April) and the September number of 274.310 determines the following I bond rate. The December number is 278.802 as of January 12, 2022. If there is no further inflation, the rate will be 2.66 percent from May to November 2022.
  • You may wish to buy your next I bonds in April or wait until May, depending on the CPI number announced in April.
  • However, there’s a strong chance you’d rather acquire I bonds in April 2022 or sooner to take advantage of the 7.12 percent rate on new purchases through April 2022.

An I bond is a U.S. Government Savings Bond with a fixed interest rate plus an inflation adjuster, resulting in a real rate of return that is inflation-adjusted. The I bond is an excellent place to seek for savers in a world where inflation is a concern and there are few inflation-adjusted assets.

  • If you cash out between the end of year one and the end of year five, you will be penalized by losing the previous three months’ interest.
  • You can only purchase $10,000 per year per individual, and you must do it through TreasuryDirect.gov.

Read on for additional information on I Bonds and why November might be a good time to acquire them.

Many of the investors we speak with had never heard of US Series I Savings Bonds (I Bonds), but were recently made aware of them due to the eye-popping yields they began giving in 2021.

When the 6-month ‘inflation rate’ of 1.77 percent was published in May 2021 (which is 3.54 percent annually! ), coverage began in earnest.

I Bonds: The Safe High Return Trade Hiding in Plain Sight & Investors Flock to ‘I Savings Bonds’ for Inflation Protection WSJ: I Bonds – the Safe High Return Trade Hiding in Plain Sight & Investors Flock to ‘I Savings Bonds’ for Inflation Protection

You’ll be earning twice as much for half of the year when the US government reveals the 6-month inflation rate. The I bonds are priced in semi-annual 6-month terms, although most interest rates are quoted in annual terms. Simply double the 6-month inflation rate to determine the annualized rate and compare it to other rates.

Your $100 investment in December 2021 I bonds will be worth $103.56 in about 6 months. This equates to a 7.12% annualized rate.

You’ll get a new six-month rate after six months, and your money will increase at that pace.

You must hold I bonds for a period of 12 months, and you have no idea what the next 6 months will bring in terms of interest, but what could go wrong?

In the worst-case scenario, you earn 7.12 percent interest for the first six months after purchasing your I bond, then 0 percent thereafter. 6 months later, your $100 would be worth $103.56, and 12 months later, it would still be worth $103.56. If the rate in a year’s time isn’t what you want, you can cash out your I bond in a year’s time, forfeit the three months’ interest (which would be 0% or more), and still have $103.56. (or more).

Since the inception of I bonds in September 1998, there have been 48 declared inflation rate changes, with only two being negative!

Even if inflation is negative, the interest rate on I bonds will never go below 0.0 percent!

Consider how much you can commit to a 12-month interest rate that pays more than 3.5 percent when you open your bank statement and require a microscope to discover the pennies of interest you’re getting. I bonds are dubbed “America’s Best Kept Investing Secret” by Zvi Bodie. Let’s battle the current low interest rates by purchasing some I Bonds and informing everyone we know about this fantastic offer. Go to TreasuryDirect.gov to purchase your I Bonds.

  • Jeremy Keil writes, “October 2021 Will Probably Be the Best Month Ever in History to Buy I Bonds.”

Investors acquire corporate bonds for a variety of reasons.

  • They give a steady stream of money. Bonds typically pay interest twice a year.
  • Bondholders receive their entire investment back if the bonds are held to maturity, therefore bonds are a good way to save money while investing.

Companies, governments, and municipalities issue bonds to raise funds for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Investing in capital projects such as schools, roadways, hospitals, and other infrastructure

Will bond prices rise in 2022?

In 2022, interest rates may rise, and a bond ladder is one option for investors to mitigate the risk. That dynamic played out in 2021, when interest rates rose, causing U.S. Treasuries to earn their first negative return in years.

Is it wise to invest in I bonds in 2021?

  • I bonds are a smart cash investment since they are guaranteed and provide inflation-adjusted interest that is tax-deferred. After a year, they are also liquid.
  • You can purchase up to $15,000 in I bonds per calendar year, in both electronic and paper form.
  • I bonds earn interest and can be cashed in during retirement to ensure that you have secure, guaranteed investments.
  • The term “interest” refers to a mix of a fixed rate and the rate of inflation. The interest rate for I bonds purchased between November 2021 and April 2022 was 7.12 percent.

In 2022, are bond funds a viable investment?

Bond returns are expected to be modest in the new year, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a place in investors’ portfolios. Bonds continue to provide a cushion against stock market volatility, which is likely to increase as the economy enters the late-middle stage of the business cycle. The Nasdaq sank 2%, the Russell 2000 fell 3.5 percent, and commodities fell 4.5 percent on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The Bloomberg Barclay’s Aggregate Bond Market Index, on the other hand, increased by 80 basis points. That example demonstrates how having a bond allocation in your portfolio can help protect you from stock market volatility.

Bonds will also be an appealing alternative to cash in 2022, according to Naveen Malwal, institutional portfolio manager at Fidelity’s Strategic Advisers LLC. “Even in a low-interest-rate environment, bonds can benefit well-diversified portfolios. For example, interest rates on Treasury bonds were very low relative to history from 2009 to 2020, but bonds still outperformed short-term investments, such as cash, during that time, and bonds provided positive returns in most months when stock markets experienced some volatility.”

Should I include bonds in my 2022 portfolio?

The TreasuryDirect website is a good place to start if you’re interested in I bonds. This article explains how to acquire I bonds, including the $10,000 yearly limit per person, how rates are computed, and how to get started by creating an online account with the US Treasury.

I bonds aren’t a good substitute for stocks. I bonds, on the other hand, are an excellent place to start in 2022 for most investors who require an income investment to balance their stock market risk. Consider I bonds as a go-to investment for the new year, whether you have $25, $10,000, or something in between. But don’t wait too long, because after April, the 7.12 percent rate will be gone.

Should you invest in bonds during an inflationary period?

Maintaining cash in a CD or savings account is akin to keeping money in short-term bonds. Your funds are secure and easily accessible.

And if rising inflation leads to increased interest rates, short-term bonds are more resilient and long-term bonds will incur losses. As a result, Lassus advises sticking to short- to intermediate-term bonds and avoiding anything long-term focused.

“Make sure your bonds or bond funds are shorter term,” she advises, “since they will be less affected if interest rates rise quickly.”

“Short-term bonds can also be reinvested at greater interest rates as they mature,” Arnott says.

Is it wise to invest in I bonds in 2020?

Banks issue certificates of deposit, or CDs, which often pay a greater interest rate than savings accounts. When rates are expected to climb, short-term CDs may be a better alternative, allowing you to reinvest at greater rates when the CD matures.

The maturity dates for these federally insured time deposits might range from a few weeks to several years. Because they are “time deposits,” you can only take the money out after a certain amount of time has passed.

The financial institution pays you interest on a CD at set intervals. When it matures, you will receive your initial principle plus any interest that has accrued. It pays to browse around for the best deals online.

CDs are a wonderful alternative for seniors who don’t require quick income and can lock away their money for a while because of their safety and larger returns.

Best investment for

A CD is ideal for risk-averse investors, especially those who require funds at a specific period and are willing to tie up their funds in exchange for a higher rate of return than a savings account.


CDs are regarded as risk-free investments. However, as we witnessed in 2020 and 2021, they come with reinvestment risk, which means that when interest rates fall, investors would earn less when they reinvest capital and interest in new CDs with lower rates. The risk is that rates will rise, but investors will be unable to benefit because their money is already locked into a CD. With rates predicted to rise in 2022, sticking to short-term CDs may make sense, allowing you to reinvest at higher rates in the near future.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that inflation and taxes could eat away at your investment’s purchasing power.

Short-term government bond funds

Government bond funds are mutual funds or exchange-traded funds that invest in debt securities issued by the government of the United States and its agencies. Short-term government bond funds, like short-term CDs, don’t expose you to much danger if interest rates rise, as they are predicted to do in 2022.

The funds put their money into US government debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by government-sponsored firms like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These government bond funds are ideal for investors who are looking for a low-risk investment.

These funds are also a fantastic option for new investors and those looking for a steady stream of income.

For risk-averse investors, government bond funds may be a good option, while some types of funds (such as long-term bond funds) may vary far more than short-term funds owing to interest rate changes.

Because the bonds are backed by the US government’s full faith and credit, funds that invest in government debt instruments are considered to be among the safest investments.

Existing bond prices fall as interest rates rise; conversely, existing bond prices rise as interest rates fall. Long-term bonds, on the other hand, have a higher interest rate risk than short-term bonds. Rising rates will have little effect on short-term bond funds, which will gradually increase their interest rate as rates climb.

If inflation is strong, though, the interest rate may not be able to keep up, and you will lose purchasing power.

Where to get it

Many online brokers, particularly those that allow you to trade ETFs or mutual funds, sell bond funds. Most ETF brokers allow you to buy and sell them without paying a commission, whereas mutual funds may, but not always, require you to pay a commission or make a minimum purchase.

Series I bonds

Individual investors can buy savings bonds from the US Treasury, and the Series I bond is a good option for 2022. This bond aids in the creation of inflation protection. It pays a base interest rate and then adds an inflation-adjusted component. As a result, as inflation rises, the dividend grows as well. The opposite is also true: as inflation falls, so does the interest rate. Every six months, the inflation adjustment is reset.

Series I bonds, like other government-issued debt, appeal to risk-averse investors who do not want to risk default. These bonds are also a smart choice for investors looking to protect their money from inflation. However, investors are limited to purchasing $10,000 in a calendar year, though you can use up to $5,000 of your annual tax refund to acquire Series I bonds as well.

The Series I bond protects your money from inflation, which is a major disadvantage of most bonds. These bonds, like all government-issued debt, are regarded as among the safest in the world in terms of default risk.

At treasurydirect.gov, you can purchase Series I bonds directly from the US Treasury. You will not be charged a commission by the government if you do so.

Short-term corporate bond funds

Corporations may raise capital by issuing bonds to investors, which can then be pooled into bond funds that own bonds issued by dozens of different companies. The average maturity of short-term bonds is one to five years, making them less subject to interest rate swings than intermediate- or long-term bonds.

Investors searching for cash flow, such as retirees, or those who wish to minimize their overall portfolio risk while still earning a return, can consider corporate bond funds.

Risk-averse investors seeking a higher yield than government bond funds may benefit from short-term corporate bond funds.

As is the situation with other bond funds, short-term corporate bond funds are not FDIC-insured. Investors in investment-grade short-term bond funds often earn larger returns than those in government and municipal bond funds.

However, greater profits come with a higher level of risk. There’s always the possibility that a company’s credit rating will be reduced or that it could run into financial difficulties and fail on its obligations. Make sure your fund is made up of high-quality corporate bonds to mitigate this risk.

Any broker that permits you to trade ETFs or mutual funds can help you purchase and sell corporate bonds funds. Most brokers allow you to trade ETFs without paying a commission, whereas buying a mutual fund may demand a commission or a minimum purchase.

S&P 500 index funds

An S&P 500 index fund is a wonderful option to more typical banking products or bonds if you wish to attain larger returns, albeit it does come with increased volatility.

The fund is made up of around 500 of the largest American corporations, which means it includes many of the world’s most successful businesses. Amazon and Berkshire Hathaway, for example, are two of the index’s most notable members.

An S&P 500 index fund, like practically any other fund, provides rapid diversification by allowing you to hold a portion of each of those firms. Because the fund invests in companies across all industries, it is more resilient than many other investments. Over time, the index has averaged a 10% yearly return. These products have low expense ratios (the amount the management business costs to run the fund) and are among the best index funds available.

Because it provides wide, diversified stock market exposure, an S&P 500 index fund is an ideal alternative for new investors.

Any stock investor searching for a diversified investment and willing to stay invested for at least three to five years should consider an S&P 500 index fund.

Because it is made up of the market’s top firms and is widely diversified, an S&P 500 fund is one of the safer methods to invest in equities. Of course, because stocks are still included, it will be more volatile than bonds or bank products. It’s also not insured by the government, thus it’s possible to lose money due to market changes. However, the index has performed admirably over time.

Investors may wish to continue with prudence and stick to their long-term investing plan rather than rushing in following the index’s pandemic-driven drop in March 2020.

Any broker that permits you to trade ETFs or mutual funds can sell you an S&P 500 index fund. ETFs are usually commission-free, so you won’t have to pay anything extra, whereas mutual funds may modify their commissions and demand a minimum purchase.

Dividend stock funds

Stocks that offer dividends might make your stock market investments a little safer.

Dividends are portions of a company’s profit that can be paid out to shareholders on a regular basis, usually quarterly. With a dividend stock, you’ll not only get a return on your investment over time, but you’ll also get paid in the short term.

Individual stock purchases, whether or whether they provide dividends, are best suited for intermediate and advanced investors. However, you can limit your risk by purchasing a group of them in a stock fund.

Dividend stock funds are a terrific choice for practically any type of stock investor, but they are especially good for those seeking income. These may appeal to those who require income and are willing to invest for prolonged periods of time.

Dividend stocks, like any other stock investment, carry risk. They’re considered safer than growth companies or other non-dividend paying equities, but you should pick them wisely for your portfolio.

Invest in firms that have a track record of increasing dividends rather than those with the highest current yield. That could indicate impending danger. However, even well-regarded corporations can have financial difficulties, thus a high reputation is no guarantee that the company would not decrease or eliminate its dividend.

Buying a dividend stock fund with a diverse group of assets, on the other hand, eliminates many of these dangers by minimizing your reliance on any particular business.

Dividend stock funds can be purchased as ETFs or mutual funds from any broker who specializes in them. Because ETFs often have no minimum purchase size and are typically commission-free, they may be more advantageous. Mutual funds, on the other hand, may have a minimum purchase requirement and, depending on the broker, a commission charge.

Value stock funds

Many investors are unsure where to place their money in light of the recent run-up in many equities, which has the potential to lead to severe overvaluation. Value stock mutual funds could be a smart choice. These funds invest on value equities, which are less expensive than other companies on the market. Furthermore, when interest rates rise, as they are predicted to do in 2022, value equities perform better.

For many investors, the fact that many value stock funds pay a dividend adds to their appeal.

Value stock funds are appropriate for those who are comfortable with the risk of stock investment. Stock fund investors should have a longer investment horizon, at least three to five years, to ride out any market hiccups.

Because of their low cost, value stock funds are safer than other types of stock funds. However, because they are still made up of stocks, they will move far more than safer assets like short-term bonds. The government does not insure value stock funds, either.

ETFs and mutual funds are the two main types of value stock funds. At most major online brokers, ETFs are frequently accessible commission-free and with no minimum buy requirement. Mutual funds, on the other hand, may have a minimum purchase requirement, and online brokers may charge a commission to trade them.

Nasdaq-100 index funds

Investors who want exposure to some of the biggest and best tech companies without having to pick winners and losers or analyze specific companies should consider an index fund based on the Nasdaq-100.

The fund is based on the Nasdaq’s top 100 companies, which are among the most successful and stable in the world. Apple and Facebook are two such corporations, each accounting for a significant share of the total index. Another notable member company is Microsoft.

A Nasdaq-100 index fund provides immediate diversification, ensuring that your portfolio is not vulnerable to a single company’s failure. The top Nasdaq index funds have a low expense ratio, making them a low-cost opportunity to hold all of the index’s companies.

For stock investors seeking gain while still being willing to deal with high volatility, a Nasdaq-100 index fund is a solid choice. Investors should be prepared to commit to a three- to five-year holding period. When opposed to investing in with a lump sum, using dollar-cost averaging to get into an index fund trading at all-time highs can help reduce your risk.

This group of stocks, like any other publicly traded stock, might fall in value. While the Nasdaq-100 has some of the most powerful IT businesses, they are also among the most valuable. Because of their high valuation, they are likely to fall sharply in a downturn, though they may rise again during a recovery.

ETFs and mutual funds are both available for Nasdaq-100 index funds. Most brokers offer fee-free ETF trading, although mutual funds may charge a commission and require a minimum purchase quantity.

Rental housing

If you’re ready to manage your own properties, rental housing might be a terrific investment. And, with mortgage rates still around all-time lows, now could be an excellent moment to finance the purchase of a new home, even if the uncertain economy makes running it more difficult.

You’ll need to pick the perfect property, finance it or buy it outright, maintain it, and deal with tenants if you go this path. If you make wise purchases, you can do very well. You won’t be able to buy and sell your assets in the stock market with a single click or tap on your internet-enabled gadget, though. Worse, you might have to put up with a 3 a.m. call about a burst pipe.

However, if you hold your assets for a long time, pay down debt gradually, and increase your rentals, you’ll most likely have a strong cash flow when it’s time to retire.

Long-term investors that wish to manage their own properties and produce consistent cash flow should consider rental housing.

Housing, like any other asset, can be overvalued, as investors in the mid-2000s discovered. Despite the economy’s difficulties, property prices rose in 2020 and 2021 due to low mortgage rates and a limited housing supply. Also, if you ever needed cash urgently, the lack of liquidity could be a concern. If you need a new roof or air conditioning, you may have to come up with a significant sum of money, and inflation may have a significant impact on the cost of replacing these goods. Of course, you risk the property remaining vacant while you continue to pay the mortgage.

To find rental accommodation, you’ll most likely need to engage with a real estate broker, or you can create a network of people who can find you better offers before they hit the market.


Cryptocurrency is a type of electronic-only digital currency designed to be used as a medium of exchange. It has become a popular item in recent years, as investors have poured money into the asset, driving up prices and attracting even more dealers to the market.

Bitcoin is the most extensively used cryptocurrency, and its price varies dramatically, drawing a large number of traders. For example, Bitcoin climbed from under $10,000 per coin at the start of 2020 to about $30,000 by the start of 2021. It then doubled above $60,000 before reversing course.

However, cryptocurrency had a difficult start to 2022, with traders selling their positions in droves and most of the leading cryptos plummeting. However, many cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are nearing all-time highs, and it’s not uncommon for them to have significant price fluctuations before climbing further. Despite the ups and downs, those that purchased and held may still be sitting on some fairly substantial returns.

It is not backed by the FDIC or the money-generating power of either a government or a firm, unlike the other assets listed here. Its value is totally defined by what traders are willing to pay for it.

Cryptocurrency is ideal for risk-takers who are willing to risk losing all of their money in exchange for the possibility of considerably larger returns. It’s not a good investment for risk-averse investors or those looking for a safe haven.

Cryptocurrency is fraught with dangers, including those that might render any specific currency worthless, such as being outlawed. Digital currencies are extremely volatile, and their prices fluctuate dramatically even over short time frames, depending purely on what traders are willing to pay. Given recent high-profile thefts, traders are also at risk of being hacked. And if you’re investing in cryptocurrencies, you’ll have to identify the winners who manage to hang on in a market where many could easily vanish.

Many brokers, like as Interactive Brokers, Webull, and TradeStation, provide cryptocurrency, but their selection is typically limited to the most popular coins.

A crypto market, on the other hand, may have hundreds of cryptos available, ranging from the most popular to the most obscure.