Where To Buy Sovereign Gold Bonds India?

Bonds can be purchased directly or through agents from Nationalised Banks, Scheduled Private Banks, Scheduled Foreign Banks, designated Post Offices, Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (SHCIL), and authorised stock exchanges.

Which bank is the best for gold sovereign bonds?

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) are a great way to invest in gold without having to buy it. You can benefit from capital appreciation as well as annual interest with these bonds. These bonds, which were issued by the Indian government, also reduce a number of the hazards connected with actual gold. These bonds can be purchased via ICICI Bank’s internet banking or the iMobile application.

Which financial institutions provide sovereign gold bonds?

You can invest in gold bonds by filling out an application form given by issuing banks or available at authorized post offices. You can also get the application form from the Reserve Bank of India’s website. Many institutions, like the State Bank of India and Kotak Mahindra Bank, allow bond applications to be submitted online.

Every candidate must supply their PAN number, which is provided by the IRS. It is impossible to invest in gold bonds without a PAN.

Nationalized Banks, Scheduled Private Banks, Scheduled Foreign Banks, Designated Post Offices, and the Stock Holding Corporation of India sell gold bonds through their offices or branches.

There is a set of requirements that must be met in order to receive gold bonds. The fact that you applied for it does not guarantee that you will be granted the bond. On the websites of the above commercial banks, you can apply for gold bonds online. For individuals who apply online, the issue price of the gold bonds would be Rs.50 per gram less than the nominal value.

Is the Sovereign gold Bond now available?

The central government’s Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22 – Series IX is up for subscription today, January 10, 2022, and will be open for five days until Friday, January 14, 2022. The RBI issues bonds on behalf of the Indian government under this arrangement.

Are NRIs allowed to purchase sovereign gold bonds?

Experts have always recommended that people invest 5 to 15% of their overall assets in gold. The pace of increase in gold is very strong, which means that gold investment from outside India has a lot of potential.

Because of its amazing rate of growth, gold is an excellent investment for NRIs. Gold investing by non-resident Indians (NRIs) can be a lucrative alternative. The following are the gold investment alternatives open to NRIs:

Investment in Gold in Physical Form

In India, gold is always purchased and collected in the form of jewelry. Buying, presenting, and wearing gold jewelry at family events and celebrations is a tradition because of its aesthetic appeal. Although appealing, it has certain disadvantages, such as the possibility that many homes may not sell it when the price rises; another issue is that metal wastage and manufacturing and melting costs may not be favorable.

Purchasing bullion coins is advantageous since they are available in several values ranging from 2.5 grams to 50 grams, with an international assay certification of 24 carat purity. NRIs should purchase it from jewellers rather than banks because they can sell it back to the jeweller but not the bank.

Gold ETF

ETFs (exchange-traded funds) are mutual funds that invest in gold and extract value from it. NRIs must have a PINS account to invest in Gold ETFs on the Stock Exchange in India. They can purchase it from a fund house, but they must do it in multiples of 1000 units.


This is a fantastic chance for NRIs wishing to make a little gold investment. This can be done in Demat form in lesser amounts as low as 1 gram of gold and its multiples. This gold investment system functions similarly to stock exchanges, with high liquidity, no purity issues, and low storage expenses.

Sovereign Gold Bonds

If consumers wish to acquire gold digitally, they have a convenient choice. The Indian government has launched this scheme with a 2.5 percent annual interest rate; however, NRIs are not permitted to participate in these gold bonds. They can, however, maintain these bonds until early redemption or maturity if they purchased them before obtaining NRI status.

Gold Funds

Gold funds are gold mining and producing firms that offer investment choices in the form of bars. Investing in gold funds is comparable to mutual fund investing.

Is it possible to purchase sovereign gold bonds without a demat account?

To invest in government bonds, you do not need a demat account. Customers who do not have a demat account will receive both physical and electronic certificates.

Is SGB made of 24 karat gold?

Because gold is a tangible asset, physical gold is the most popular type of gold investing in India. It can be purchased as gold jewelry, gold biscuits, gold coins, and so on. Unlike other forms of gold, actual gold is one of the few assets that can be kept entirely private and confidential. Physical gold can also be purchased without the assistance of a broker or other intermediary to fulfill the contractual obligation of purchasing the item; thus, there is no counterparty risk.

Diversification is aided by having gold in one’s portfolio, which is always recommended by financial advisors. Gold should account for roughly 20% of an investor’s portfolio, according to experts. In an investor’s portfolio, the yellow metal is considered as a hedging instrument rather than a wealth-creating asset. During market turbulence, gold is a relatively steady investment that helps investors combat the effects of inflation and economic uncertainty.

Because gold is internationally recognised as money around the world, you may always sell your gold biscuits/bricks or gold coins to acquire fast cash in an emergency.

Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on purchasing real gold, investors should always retain proofs of their gold investments (in the case of jewelry, the tax invoice issued by the jeweller) for income tax purposes. If gold is kept for more than three years, investors can take advantage of long-term capital gains (LTCG) tax benefits. These gains are taxed at 20% with indexation advantage, plus a fee if applicable and a 4% cess.

However, one of the major drawbacks is that the resale value of jewelry is lower than that of other forms of gold. Furthermore, the purity of the gold being purchased can be a major worry.

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB) are government security bonds issued on behalf of the Indian government by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). SGBs are gold coins that are minted in multiples of one gram and exchanged on a stock exchange. Similar to actual gold, these bonds can be used as security for loans. However, unlike physical gold, the risk of theft with gold bonds is low. Furthermore, the purity of gold is unimportant because gold bond prices are tied to the price of 999 purity (24 carats) gold reported by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association (IBJA).

On the issue price, the government offers a fixed assured rate of interest of 2.5 percent per year, paid half-yearly. The final installment, together with the principal, is due at the end of the term.

TDS does not apply to the interest on Sovereign Gold Bonds. Individuals are also excluded from capital gains tax on redemption, according to an RBI statement. In the event that an investor incurs LTCG as a result of a bond transfer, indexation benefits will be granted.

Liquidity can be a problem with these bonds. Because the bonds have an 8-year tenor and a 5-year lock-in term, this is the case. An investor can only take money out after the fifth year, on the date the interest is due.

Is it possible to convert a sovereign gold bond into actual gold?

No, sovereign gold bonds cannot be converted into actual gold. SGB’s primary goal is to make a long-term investment. SGBs, on the other hand, are listed on the market and can be exchanged if they are available in demat format; nevertheless, it is not possible to convert SGBs to real gold. SGB is only available in digital or printed form.

In SBI, where can I find my SGB?

The following are the advantages of the State Bank of India’s Sovereign Gold Bond:

  • Because information is in digital form and is not susceptible to theft, there is no need to keep it safe.
  • You can earn interest on a gold bond, but you cannot earn interest on physical gold.

FAQ’s SBI Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme

  • At the moment of redemption or early withdrawal, the investor will get the market price of gold.

There is a risk of capital loss if the market price of gold falls and the market value of gold is low at the time of redemption. In terms of the gold units acquired, the investor will not lose money.

  • Individuals, charitable institutions, trusts, HUFs, and universities are all eligible investors.

Yes, SGBs can be purchased for minors. The application for the SGB must be made on behalf of the minor by the parent or guardian.

The RBI’s website has the necessary forms. SGB application forms will be available at issuing banks, authorized Post Offices, and agents. Banks may also make it possible to apply for a loan online using their own website.

The Know-Your-Customer (KYC) requirements for purchasing SGBs and purchasing actual gold are identical. Any identity documents, such as a PAN or TAN, Aadhaar card, Passport, or Voter ID card, are necessary. KYC will be completed at the issuing bank, the post office, or by the agent.

The SGBs need a minimum investment of 1 gram of gold. Bonds will be issued in 1 gram and multiples of 1 gram values. Each fiscal year, a maximum of 500 grams of gold can be purchased by each individual. The limits apply to the first application for joint holders.

Yes, as long as your family members match the eligibility criteria and KYC standards, you can buy bonds in their names.

Yes, you are permitted to purchase the maximum number of SGBs in each fiscal year. Only on a yearly basis is there a limit.

On the initial investment, the interest rate is fixed at 2.50 percent per annum. Interest is paid directly to the bank account every six months. The final interest installment is paid at the same time as the maturity value.

Scheduled commercial banks and authorized Post Offices are permitted to sell SGBs directly or through agents such as NSCs and NBFCs.

SGBs can be purchased at any bank or post office. It is not necessary to buy SGBs exclusively from the bank where you have an account.

You will receive your allotment once you have applied for the SGB and met the qualifying conditions, provided a valid identity document, and remitted the application fee on time.

The Certificate of Holding will be given on the same day as the SGB. You can get it from the bank that issued it, the post office, or an agency. If you supplied an email address in your application form, you can also acquire the certificate straight from the RBI or via email.

Yes. The mentioned scheduled commercial banks have made it possible for consumers to apply for the SGB online via their websites.

The SGB’s price is determined by the Indian Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd’s simple average gold price for the previous week (Monday to Friday). On 999 pure gold, the price is stated in Indian Rupees.

Two days before the SGB issue starts, the RBI will announce the gold price for the appropriate tranche on its website.

  • The current market value of the gold grams that were first invested (In Indian Rupees).

The redemption price will also be based on a simple average of the closing gold price for 999 purity announced by the IBJA for the previous week (Monday to Friday).

The redemption benefit will be deposited straight into your bank account, which you supplied when you purchased the SGB.

  • If you need to make any changes to your bank account details, email ID, or anything else that could affect your payment, you should notify your bank or post office as soon as possible.
  • The reward will be sent immediately to your bank account on record on the maturity date.

After the fifth year from the SGB’s issue date or the coupon payment date, premature redemption and encashment is permitted. If your bond is held in demat form, you can also trade it on the Exchanges. You may also transfer the bond to anyone other who meets the eligibility requirements.

If you want to redeem your coupon early, you must contact the relevant bank, post office, or agent 30 days before the coupon expires. Only if you contact the bank, agency, or post office at least one day before the coupon payment date will your request be considered. After you’ve submitted your request, the funds will be sent into your designated bank account.

Yes, you can buy a bond in the name of a family member when it is first issued. You can also transfer the bond to a friend or relative at any time if they match the eligibility requirements.

Yes, SGBs can be used as collateral for loans from banks, financial institutions, and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The Loan to Value Ratio will be the same as it is for regular gold loans, as mandated by the RBI from time to time.

Interest generated on the bonds will be taxed under Section 43 of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Capital gains on redemption, on the other hand, are tax-free. Any person who transfers a bond will receive indexation benefits against long-term capital gains.

The TDS does not apply to the SGB. The SGB holder shall be responsible for adhering to all applicable tax regulations.

The issuing banks, post offices, or agents through which the bond was purchased will provide customer support. They’ll manage things like address changes, early redemption, nominations, and so on.

Yes, you can suggest someone by completing the appropriate form and sending it with your application. The Government Securities Act of 2006 and the Government Securities Regulations of 2007 will govern the nomination process.

The maximum joint holding limit is not given. The first applicant is subject to a gold limit of 500 grams.

Banks and organizations have no restrictions when it comes to investing in SGBs. SLR will be available to the SGB.

You will be able to trade SGBs on stock exchanges/NDS-OM starting on a date determined by the RBI. The bonds can be sold and transferred under the Government Securities Act.

Yes, while exercising the put option, you can redeem part holdings in multiples of one gram.