Who Can Buy UK Premium Bonds?

Premium Bonds can be purchased by anyone who is 16 years old or older. On behalf of their kid or grandchild under the age of 16, parents, legal guardians, and (great) grandparents can invest.

No interest is paid on Premium Bonds. Instead, your Bonds will be entered into a monthly prize draw to win tax-free gifts.

Premium Bonds – the prize draw

Every month, almost two million awards are distributed to lucky Bond holders whose numbers are determined at random.

For every £1 you invest, you will receive a unique Bond number. Every month, each number has a separate and equal chance of winning a prize.

On the National Savings and Investment (NS&I) website, you may learn more, apply online, and check if you’ve won if you have Premium Bonds.

Can a non-UK resident purchase Premium Bonds?

We’ve always been a UK savings company with HM Treasury backing, however we do have some international customers. There are a few things you should know if you’re thinking about relocating abroad or already live outside the UK to ensure that our accounts are still appropriate for you.

You need a UK bank or building society account

You’ll need a UK bank or building society account in your name to save with us. This is because we can only send and receive payments in pounds sterling to and from a UK account.

Premium Bonds are open to everybody.

Age restriction: You must be at least 16 years old to purchase them; under that age, they may be held in the name of minors by parents or guardians. Anyone can now purchase Premium Bonds for under-16s and have them held by the child’s parent or guardian.

Adults can get Premium Bonds as a gift.

To begin, let me state that Premium Bonds are a safe investment. They are government-backed and come from NS&I (previously National Savings & Investments). However, you should keep in mind that, after inflation is factored in, they will lose purchasing power from year to year.

There are a few things you should be aware of when it comes to Premium Bonds. To begin with, you can only purchase them for someone else if the receiver is under the age of 16; other family members must purchase them for themselves. They are available for purchase for any child, not only your own children or grandchildren. Premium Bonds for kids can be purchased online or by mail.

Adults can cash in their Premium Bonds whenever they wish, while bonds owned by children under the age of 16 can only be retrieved by the parent or guardian who has been designated.

Is it possible to purchase UK Premium Bonds with a credit card?

Premium Bonds can be purchased through our safe online system. Please have your debit card information handy.

You can buy Premium Bonds by bank transfer if you or the child you’re buying for already have some (including standing order).

Can I purchase Premium Bonds for my grandchildren who live in another country?

It is feasible to buy premium bonds for grandchildren in other countries, but you should check to see if it is permissible to do so in their home country, as some nations have strong gaming and lottery rules. Although there are no guaranteed returns with premium bonds, they are tax-free in the United Kingdom and you could win rewards.

How can I purchase UK government bonds starting in 2021?

Investing may be a risky business, and how you choose to invest will be determined by your risk appetite. Government bonds are generally thought to be a safer investment than stock market or business bond investments. UK government bonds, often known as gilts, can be purchased through UK stockbrokers, fund supermarkets, or the government’s Debt Management Office. Bonds are fixed-interest instruments designed to pay a consistent income that governments sell to raise funds.

What happens to Premium Bonds when the owner dies?

Premium Bonds cannot be inherited or transferred to another person’s name in the same way as funds from bank accounts and savings accounts can.

Instead, if you’re administering someone’s estate and need to deal with their Premium Bonds, you have two options. The first option is to sell them while they are still in the probate procedure. If you do this, the proceeds from the sale will become part of the estate and will be passed down to the beneficiaries after the estate administration is finished. This is the quickest way for Premium Bond beneficiaries to inherit money.

The alternative is to leave them alone for the time being. NS&I can keep Premium Bonds for up to 12 months following a person’s death. They are still eligible for monetary rewards throughout this time. The executor of the estate or a specified beneficiary can contact NS&I after 12 months to claim the rewards and cash out the Bonds. This will postpone the inheritance of wealth, but it may result in greater money in the end. As the executor, you should consult with the beneficiaries who will receive the estate’s funds to determine which option is best for their individual circumstances.

Is it possible for a parent to cash in a child’s Premium Bonds?

Buying NS&I Premium Bonds for a youngster is a fantastic idea because it’s a gift that keeps on giving (possibly).

Premium Bonds can be purchased on behalf of a kid by anybody over the age of 16, thus aunts, uncles, and even family acquaintances can participate.

Furthermore, NS&I’s decision in 2019 to reduce the minimum investment amount from £100 to £25 makes them a considerably more practical, or inexpensive, gift.

Instead, how about purchasing bonds for yourself? The following are the simplest methods for purchasing Premium Bonds.

How to buy Premium Bonds for your child

Parents and legal guardians can apply online, over the phone, or by mail to purchase Premium Bonds as a gift for their children.

Whether you’re buying for the first time or adding to your collection of Premium Bonds, you’ll need to be registered with NS&I.

As previously stated, you must invest at least £25 in Premium Bonds, with each £1 producing one unique bond number.

Every number has an equal chance of winning a prize, so buying more increases your chances of winning.

Until your child turns 16, you will receive confirmation of transactions, money for bonds cashed in, and rewards won.

Do you want to know whether you’ve won anything? The most recent results can be seen in this article.

Buying Premium Bonds for someone else’s child

If you want to spoil your grandchild, niece, nephew, or even a family friend’s child, you can apply online or by mail for an electronic or paper gift card to give to the child.

Your investment will be acknowledged, but only the chosen parent or guardian will be able to manage and cash in the bonds.

Before purchasing Premium Bonds for someone else’s child, there are a few things to consider.

Of course, you’ll want to make sure the parent or guardian is okay with you sending over their information and that they’re happy to look after the bonds.

These facts include the child’s and parent’s or guardian’s dates of birth and addresses, as well as the child’s Premium Bonds holder’s number (if they have one).

Everyone on the application will have their identity and address checked by NS&I, therefore there’s a risk that documentation will be required.

To avoid any unpleasant shocks, inform the parent or guardian that NS&I may contact them to request documentation to establish their identity.

Premium Bonds are detailed in detail, including how to purchase them, how to cash them in, when winners are revealed, and more.

How long does the process take?

If you’re buying the bonds as a present for someone special, you’ll need to prepare ahead and apply ahead of time.

NS&I hopes to open new accounts in seven to ten working days, but because everyone’s name and address on the application form must be validated, it will most likely take longer.

What happens if the child wins?

If the child outperforms the odds and wins a prize, the parent or guardian will have to decide what to do with it.

There’s no need to be concerned about tax implications. While a child cannot earn more than £100 in interest per year from savings, this does not apply to Premium Bonds winnings because they are rewards.

Finally, make sure the child’s information is up to date: there are millions of pounds in unclaimed awards held by bondholders under the age of 16.

Is it still possible to purchase Premium Bonds at the post office?

NS&I Premium Bonds are no longer available at Post Office branches or on our website as of August 1, 2015. NS&I took this choice as part of a long-term goal to encourage clients to use its direct channels.

We continue to offer a wide selection of savings products at the Post Office to fit our customers’ needs, including ISAs, Instant Saver, and longer-term investments like our Fixed Rate Bonds, which are accessible in branch and online.