The truth is that birth certificates cannot be used to make purchases or to seek savings bonds that the government purports to hold. Furthermore, the phrase “Exemption Account” is a misnomer; these accounts do not exist in the Treasury system.
What is the strawman account?
Proponents of this plan allege that the US government or the Treasury Department controls bank accounts for all US citizens, which can be accessed by submitting documentation to state and federal authorities. People who promote this scam usually use obsolete legal arguments and call the plan “Redemption,” “Strawman,” or “Acceptance for Value.” Trainers and websites frequently charge exorbitant fees for “kits” that teach people how to carry out this fraud. They’ll frequently claim that others have had excellent success paying off debt and buying things like automobiles and houses. Individuals not following instructions in a precise order or not filing documents at the appropriate times are blamed for the scheme’s failure.
What is DoB certificate?
Proof of Date of Birth (DoB) are documents that contain your date of birth, such as SSLC Certificates, Birth Certificates, Passports, PAN Cards, Certificates of Date of Birth issued on a letterhead by a Group A Gazetted Officer, Government Photo ID Cards or PSU Issued Photo Identity Cards.
Is your Social Security number linked to a Federal Reserve bank account?
According to the Federal Reserve System, it is illegal to use a Social Security number to pay off any obligation or bills, and attempting to do so could result in legal or financial penalties.
According to the Federal Reserve’s website: “According to a recent internet scam, the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are linked to their Social Security numbers, and that individuals can use these accounts to pay bills and acquire money. These statements are untrue.”
Individuals who attempt to make payments using fraudulent bank routing numbers may be charged fees by the company they are intending to pay, or their actual bank accounts may be canceled or suspended, according to the Fed.
When the story first went viral in July 2017, the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and New York published comments claiming that they had received multiple unlawful transactions in which customers exploited their Social Security numbers to pay bills.
In January, the New York Fed reiterated that the claims are bogus after learning about a similar scam involving films claiming that every American citizen has a “secret” account at a Federal Reserve bank.
“These assertions are incorrect and deceptive.
There are no such accounts they don’t exist now, and they didn’t exist in the past. The New York Fed commented, “This is an online fraud that has caused tremendous financial suffering to the people,” adding, “Individuals do NOT have accounts at the Federal Reserve.”
Is strawman real?
The strawman hypothesis (also known as the strawman illusion) is a popular pseudolegal theory among movements such as sovereign citizen, tax protester, freeman on the land, and the redemption movement. According to the notion, a person has two personas, one of flesh and one of separate legal personality (i.e., the “strawman”). The premise is that the strawman owns an individual’s obligations, liabilities, taxes, and legal responsibilities, not the real human. The FBI considers anyone who promotes the strawman hypothesis to be a likely fraudster, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) views it as a foolish argument and fines anyone who claim it on their tax filings.
What can I use for date of birth proof?
In the case of proof of DOB, it has now been decided that all passport applicants can submit any one of the following documents: transfer/school leaving/matriculation certificate, PAN card, Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card/e-A
Is gas bill enough for Aadhar card?
For both Indian residents and non-resident Indians, the method for obtaining an Aadhaar card is the same. Non-Resident Indians can apply for an Aadhaar card by visiting the UIDAI website and searching for a UIDAI authorized enrolment center near their home. After deciding on an enrolment center, the NRI can walk straight to an authorized Aadhaar enrolment center with confirmation of identity and other required documents. After all of the documents have been submitted, the individual will be asked to give biometric data. Non-Resident Indians who want to apply for Aadhaar must have a few essential documents with them when they go to the enrolment center. The UIDAI accepts the following documents for this purpose:
- PAN card, Ration card, Passport, Voter ID, Driving license, government/PSU photo ID, etc. are all acceptable forms of identification.
- Voter ID, passport, ration card, driver’s license, government/PSU picture ID, gas connection bill, electricity bill, water bill, landline bill, bank passbook, credit card statement, and so on.
- Birth certificate, passport, PAN card, government/PSU photo ID, etc. are all acceptable forms of proof of date of birth.
What can be shown as birth proof?
Which document is the most crucial in our lives? Property documents, Qualification Certificates, Insurance Policies, Share Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Fixed Deposit Certificates, and so on are examples. Depending on the person’s state of mind or circumstances, there will be a variety of responses. Except for a select persons such as government workers, teachers, and defense personnel, people were less concerned about their birth date in the mid-twentieth century and before because there was no problematic use of it. Others, the vast majority of individuals, are just conscious that they are living in their neighborhood, moving around and working or running a business.
How much is a Social Security number worth?
On the digital black market, a Social Security number, birth date, and full name might sell for $60 to $80 for persons with good credit ratings. A decent credit score may not seem like much, but it may yield a big premium for hackers. According to a new analysis from security firm Flashpoint, stolen identity information may be purchased for as low as $1 per individual, or even $0.10 when purchased in mass.
Can you pay off debt with your Social Security number?
No, the Federal Reserve Banks exclusively offer financial services to banks and governments. Individuals are not permitted to open accounts with the Federal Reserve.
According to a popular online scam, the Federal Reserve keeps accounts for individuals that are linked to their Social Security numbers, and that individuals can use these accounts to pay bills and acquire money. These statements are untrue. Individuals should not attempt to make payments using Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers or fraudulent routing numbers because the Federal Reserve does not manage accounts for them. Individuals who use a Federal Reserve Bank routing number to pay bills or conduct other activities may risk penalty penalties from the company they’re trying to pay, as well as the suspension or closure of their commercial bank or payment service provider accounts. This scheme is known to law authorities, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and those who participate in it may face criminal penalties.
Internet fraud victims are encouraged to file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at
How do I check to see if someone is using my Social Security number?
Although the Equifax data hack may have exposed millions of people’s Social Security numbers, you are not in immediate danger of your identity being stolen and used to commit fraud. If you suspect your Social Security number has been hacked but have no evidence that it has been used to conduct fraud, free credit monitoring or identity theft protection solutions may be a better option than more drastic steps.
A corporation that is liable for a data breach, for example, will usually give free credit monitoring to those who have been affected. Furthermore, the Discover card now provides a free monitoring service that alerts you if your Social Security number appears on websites where thieves buy and trade personal information.
Review your Social Security Statement at for suspicious activity to check whether your Social Security number is being used for job purposes by someone else. Finally, you should conduct additional due diligence by checking your bank and credit card accounts online on a regular basis.
Cost Order Not Requested
It has been known for lawyers or barristers to fail to get a cost order, which can have major consequences for a client, as they would be responsible for the entire cost of the case. You should contact Routh Clarke as soon as possible in this situation, since there could be a professional negligence case.
The Other Side Do Not Pay
Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common event. We’ve seen far too many examples when a Costs Order is issued and the other party fails to pay it, usually because they’ve gone bankrupt or shut down their business. Builders are the most egregious violators. The bad news for the client is that their lawyer is still owed money. The “man of straw,” as the legal profession refers to him, is a person who has no money and should never be sued for financial benefit. Solicitors are required to conduct a costs/benefit analysis at the beginning and during a case, in which they analyze how much you are expected to pay in comparison to the worth of what you are pursuing. They should also think about how they’ll get that money back from the opposing side if you win.
If you’d want to learn more about various areas of solicitors’ fees in greater depth, click on the following links:
What is a strawman name?
1) A person to whom ownership to property or a business is transferred (also referred to as a “front”) only for the purpose of concealing the genuine owner for example, a person is listed as the owner of a bar to conceal a criminal who cannot obtain a liquor license. 2) A faulty argument used to divert attention away from the main point.