What Is Debt Fund In SIP?

It is possible to generate superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in debt funds rather than bank recurrent deposits (RDs). As a result of SIPs, investors can build up a portfolio of mutual funds ranging from short-term to long-term in both stock and debt.

Is it good to do SIP in debt funds?

Changes in interest rates and credit spreads can cause volatility in some fixed income products. Due to changes in bond yields, a longer-term debt fund’s pricing is more volatile. You may want to explore a SIP into these types of investments.

Is debt fund good or bad?

Derivatives Mutual Funds typically invest in bonds and other securities with a high degree of risk. Financial instruments such as commercial paper and government securities are included in this category.

With a fixed interest-earning capacity and a predetermined maturity period, debt funds are ideal for investors. When compared to high-risk equities funds, these funds offer low-risk investing opportunities.

What is debt fund and how it works?

Debt funds strive to produce returns for investors by investing their money in fixed-income assets such as bonds. As a result, these funds invest in the bonds and get the benefits of the interest payments. This is the basis for mutual fund investors’ returns.

Similar to a Fixed Deposit (FD), here is how it works. As a depositor, you’re lending money to the bank when you put money in. As a result, the bank will earn interest on the money it lends to customers.

Debt fund investments, on the other hand, have many more intricacies. To give an example, a gilt fund can only purchase government bonds, while a liquid fund can purchase assets with maturities of up to 91 days. There are no guaranteed returns in debt funds either, but they do have market-linked returns that can change. With an increase in interest rates, yields and interest income might rise, but bond prices fall. When interest rates go down, the opposite happens.

Is SIP debt or equity?

More than 93.25 million SIP accounts have been opened in the first three quarters of this fiscal year (31st December 2020), with a total investment of Rs 71,349 crores. SIPs, on the other hand, are more commonly associated with equity investments among mutual fund investors.

Is PPF a debt fund?

Debt investments are defined as those in which the return is guaranteed and the principal is returned at the end of a fixed period of time. The EPF and PPF fall into this category. So, certainly, they are both part of the company’s overall debt holdings.

Can I lose money in debt funds?

An investment in government and corporate bonds, Treasury bills, commercial paper, and certificates of deposit is what a debt fund consists of. debt funds have been divided into 16 categories by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Depending on where the corpus is invested, debt funds are classified.

The asset management company offers direct programs for debt fund schemes. With the help of a mutual fund distributor, you can invest in regular plans of debt fund schemes. Debt funds can be purchased on an internet platform like cleartax invest.

Debt funds having a one to three year maturity duration invest in bonds. Investment horizons of six months or less are appropriate for this product. For investors in higher tax bands, it is a more tax-efficient investment than a fixed deposit.

The pressure to redeem debt funds is mounting. As a result, there is a lack of liquidity in India’s bond and money market markets. Selling pressure pushes up the traded yield levels as trading volumes decrease. It causes a drop in prices and negative returns on debt funds.

Recently, the repo rate has been reduced by the RBI. The return on short-term debt money decreases when interest rates decline. Long-term debt funds, on the other hand, do well when interest rates fall.

To earn a return, debt funds invest in bonds and other long-term investments. Investing in these assets would generate an interest income for investors. Investing in a debt fund provides you and other investors with returns based on interest income.

Interest rates in the economy affect the price changes in various types of bonds that are invested in by debt funds. It is possible for a debt mutual fund to generate more money over and above the interest it receives by purchasing a bond whose price rises due to a decrease in interest rates.

To guard against the stock market’s volatility, you must include debt funds in your investment portfolio. Regardless of your age or how interest rates fluctuate in the market, you must always have debt funds in your portfolio.

Depending on your financial goals and risk tolerance, it is possible to invest in debt funds. Start investing in debt funds early and stick with it for a lengthy period of time to maximize your profit.

Debt funds can be purchased online through a mutual fund house’s website. In order to apply, you will need to give your PAN and Aadhaar information to complete your eKYC.

The AMC would validate your personal information, and you could transfer funds from your online bank account after that. Online platforms like cleartax invest allow you to invest in direct mutual funds in India without leaving your home.

  • Debt funds can be selected based on the mutual fund house’s previous performance. Before investing in a debt fund, verify the fund manager’s investment strategy.
  • Invest in a well-known mutual fund company with a substantial portfolio (AUM). During an economic downturn, it may be able to withstand sudden redemption pressure.
  • Check the creditworthiness of the debt fund’s portfolio. Debt funds with AAA-rated bonds in their portfolio may be an option for you.
  • Before investing in debt funds, you may want to think about your risk tolerance. Investing in debt funds, particularly long-term debt funds, is susceptible to interest rate risk.

Interest rate swings have resulted in negative returns for debt funds. Interest rate risk affects debt funds with longer maturities.

This type of mutual fund is called a “ultra-short debt fund.” Macaulay bonds with a length of three to six months are used in this strategy.

Direct plans for short-term debt funds can be purchased directly from the mutual fund company. A mutual fund distributor can help you invest in regular short-term debt fund programs. Investments in short-term debt funds can also be made through an online platform like cleartax invest.

  • In order to get started, choose a short-term debt fund from the category of debt funds and click Invest now.
  • Short-term debt fund investors must decide how much money they want to invest and how often they want to invest in the One-Time or Monthly SIP options.

If you retain debt funds for a long period of time, you may be subject to capital gains tax. After investing for less than three years in a debt fund, your capital gains are referred to as “short-term capital gains” (STCG). In order to determine your tax rate, the short-term capital gains are included in your taxable income.

A long-term capital gain is a capital gain that accrues over a period of at least three years (LTCG). With indexation and relevant cess, long-term capital gains are taxed at a rate of 20%.

An accrual-based method is employed by accrual debt funds. This form of debt fund invests money in short to medium-term securities. It emphasizes the importance of holding on to your investments until they mature.

A bond’s price sensitivity to changes in interest rates can be determined by its modified duration. Bond prices and interest rates fluctuate in opposite directions, thus this is an easy rule to follow.

The price sensitivity of a bond to changes in its yield to maturity can be determined using a modified duration. A bond’s Macaulay Duration can be divided by a factor of (1+y/m) to get the modified duration.

M stands for the number of times a year a coupon payment will be made.

Long-term capital gains are those earned after holding debt funds for at least three years and then selling your assets. With the indexation benefit, your long-term capital gains in debt funds are taxed at 20%.

It is possible to use indexation to alter the price of debt funds to account for inflation. You can use the CII or the Cost of Inflation Index to measure the cost of debt mutual fund units when calculating their acquisition price.

For example, if you bought 1,000 units of a debt fund in the fiscal year of 2013-14 at a NAV of Rs. 15, you would have made a profit of Rs. 15. This year, you sold 1,000 units of the debt fund for Rs 22 each. Because you’ve held the debt fund units for more than three years, your long-term capital gains of Rs 7,000 (Rs 22- Rs 15) * 1000 are considered long-term.

Debt fund ICoA is the indexed cost of acquisition (CII of the year of sale / CII of the year of purchase).

This means your capital gains will now be Rs 2,909, or (Rs 22,000- Rs 19,091), which is the difference between the two numbers.

On Rs 2,909, you must pay a 20 percent long-term capital gains tax, amounting to Rs 582.

Mutual funds that invest in bonds, treasury bills, commercial paper and other money market instruments like certificates of deposit are known as “debt mutual funds”.

You can use indexation to change the acquisition price of debt funds to take inflation into account. This example will help you understand how indexation is calculated in debt funds.

Assume that in FY 2015-16, you invested Rs one lakh in debt mutual funds. After more than three years, you redeemed your investment for Rs 1,50,000 in FY 2019-20. You’ve made a profit of Rs. 50,000.

As a result, you have the Inflation Adjusted Purchase Price of debt funds = Actual Purchase Price of debt fund X (CII in the year of sale/CII in the year of purchase)

On Rs 36,220, instead of Rs 50,000 (Rs 1,50,000 – Rs 1,00,000), the LTCG tax is 20%.

It costs you Rs 7,244 in long-term capital gains tax (LTCG), which is 20% of your LTCG on loan funds, to pay this tax.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has categorized debt funds into sixteen different subcategories. overnight funds, liquid funds, ultra-short-duration funds, low-duration funds, money market funds, short duration funds, medium duration funds, medium to long-duration funds, long-duration funds and floater funds are all available to investors.

Based on your investing goals and risk tolerance, you can choose the optimal debt fund. Look at the debt fund’s portfolio. Alternatively, you might invest in debt ETFs that hold AAA-rated bonds. When compared to lower-rated bonds, this one is a lot more secure.

Invest in a low-cost debt fund. Take a look at the mutual fund house’s and the fund manager’s track record before deciding which debt funds to invest in.

Investing in fixed-income assets is what debt funds do. When opposed to equities funds, which are exposed to the stock market’s volatility, it is a more stable investment. Debt funds can be used to diversify your investment portfolio.

According to the nature of debt funds and interest rate variations, the safety of debt funds might vary greatly. When interest rates rise, long-term debt funds may have negative returns. When interest rates fall, short-term debt funds pay less. Investing in bonds with a lower credit rating is a risky investment strategy. If the company issuing the bond fails to make principle and interest payments, you could be out the money you invested.

Fixed-income securities are the primary focus of debt funds. In the debt fund family, liquid funds are a subset. Up to 91-day-old fixed-income instruments are the focus of this fund’s investment strategy. Other debt funds, on the other hand, may have lengthier maturities.

Liquid funds are the least risky of all debt funds. Compared to other debt funds, it has minimal credit risk and interest rate risk.

You can easily redeem a liquid fund at the AMC compared to other debt funds because of their high liquidity.

Investments in equities and debt funds are fundamentally different. Derivative funds engage mostly in debt instruments, whereas equity funds invest primarily in equity shares and related securities of firms.

In order to meet your investing goals and risk tolerance, you can choose among equities or debt funds. When it comes to long-term investment plans, equity funds are an option.

Over the course of a period of time, say five years, equity funds should do well. To meet short-term financial goals, debt funds are ideal.

An equity fund invests mostly in the stock of publicly traded corporations. Fixed-income securities are the primary focus of debt funds.

You have the option of investing in equities or debt funds, based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Long-term financial goals like buying a house or saving for retirement can be met by investing in equity mutual funds, which have a proven track record of outperformance. For short-term financial goals such as vacation savings, debt funds are a safe and secure investment.

You can protect your portfolio from stock market volatility by diversifying it with debt funds. Debt funds can be used to meet short-term financial objectives. Debt funds are less hazardous than equities funds since they invest in fixed income instruments.

Depending on the type of debt fund, mutual funds invest in a portfolio of bonds with varied credit ratings. Credit risk is the risk that a bond-issuer may not be able to pay its debts, including interest and principal.

Credit risk funds, on the other hand, invest in bonds with a lower credit rating. As a result, it is more susceptible to credit risk than a debt fund that invests in AAA-rated bonds, which have a reduced risk of default.

When compared to certificates of deposit, debt funds are more tax-efficient. You are taxed on the interest you earn from bank fixed deposits according to your income tax bracket.

Short-term capital gains refer to the capital gains realized after holding debt funds for a period of less than three years (STCG). The STCG is included in your taxable income and is taxed according to your income tax bracket. “

Long-term capital gains, on the other hand, only apply if you keep debt funds for a period of three years or more (LTCG). LTCG would be taxed at a rate of 20%, with the advantage of inflation. It’s more tax-friendly than a bank’s fixed deposit.

As contrast to bank FDs, debt funds are tax-advantaged if you are in the higher tax bracket and have an investment horizon of more than three months.

The accrual method in debt funds aims to generate a regular interest income by holding the paper until it matures. Fixed income securities with short or medium-term maturities are managed using the accrual technique by fund managers. Most of the investments in the portfolio are held until they reach maturity as a result of this buy-and-hold approach.

Accrual funds are debt mutual funds that focus on generating interest income primarily through the coupon on the assets they hold in their portfolio. Accrual funds, on the other hand, may receive a small fraction of their overall return from capital gains.

  • Input the STCG details under ‘Short-term capital gain’ point number 5 ‘From sale of assets other than at A1 or A2 or A3 or A4 above’ under the tab ‘CG’ of the ITR utility.
  • Including the amount of short-term capital gains in the CG tab under’short-term capital gains taxed at applicable rates’ is also a good idea.

Are debt funds tax free?

The sale of NAV units on the stock market results in a gain that is subject to capital gains tax. Capital gains are the term for these kinds of profits.

It is referred to as short term capital gains if the debt fund is sold before three years. Depending on the investor’s annual income, the overall profit earned is taxed.

In contrast, long-term capital gains can only be realized if the debt fund is held for a period of more than three years. Debt mutual funds are subject to LTCG tax in two ways:

Do debt funds give monthly income?

Pensioners and conventional investors who are risk-averse can benefit from Monthly Income Plans (MIPs). More than 70% to 80% of the MIP’s corpus is invested in debt funds, while the rest is invested in the stock market. Although the name implies that it provides a steady monthly income, this is not the case.

Access to Professional Expertise and Market Returns:

An investment in a debt fund provides the potential for both interest and capital gains. Money markets and the wholesale debt markets, which individual investors can’t invest in, can be accessed through the use of this product.

Lowers Portfolio Risk:

Because debt funds are less dangerous than equity funds, a portfolio’s risk is reduced and its stability is increased by strategically allocating to the top performing debt funds. Debt funds can be used to take advantage of short-term possibilities for higher returns.

Range of investment options:

With a wide range of maturities and credit risks, there is a debt fund for any need. Investing in short-term funds provides a steady stream of income. Investors who are willing to accept greater NAV volatility can benefit from long-term products that provide interest and capital gains. Debt products with the lowest risk are typically found in overnight, liquid, corporate, and low-duration funds. Credit risk can be taken on by ultra-short and short-duration funds in order to deliver better returns.


Redeeming debt funds is simple and normally takes one or two business days after submitting a redemption request. There is no lock-in period, unlike bank fixed deposits or recurring deposits. For mutual fund investors, early withdrawals are generally not penalized, but some mutual funds may charge a minor exit cost.

Low Cost Investment:

The maximum expense ratio for a debt fund, as defined by SEBI, is 2 percent of the fund’s assets under management. For debt funds, overnight and liquid funds have low expense ratios, whereas dynamic and long-term funds have greater expenses.

What is ELSS fund?

Investments in mutual funds called “ELSS” (Equity Linked Savings Schemes) might reduce your taxable income. Hence, the term “tax-saving funds” was coined. Section 80c of the Income Tax Act permits taxpayers to deduct up to INR 1.5 lakh from their taxable income by investing in selected securities. ELSS is one of the permitted securities, along with PPF, postal savings like NSC, tax-saving FDs, NPS, and so on.

  • They have the shortest three-year lock-in duration of any tax saving instrument.
  • Investments in equities provide both capital growth and tax savings, so you’re getting the best of both worlds.
  • Choose between dividends and growth to get monthly income, or go with the latter choice for capital gains.
  • A good ELSS fund can expect long-term returns in the 10-12 percent area, which is among the best in the tax-saving category of products. ELSS, on the other hand, has the inherent risk of equity investing.

It is possible to invest in ELSS in the same manner that you would invest in any other mutual fund. It’s the most convenient way to do so is to open an online investment account. Both a lump sum and a SIP (systematic investment plan) can be used to invest.

Only up to INR 1.5 lakh can be claimed in tax benefits. But as long as you don’t invest more than that, you are free to do so.

When it comes to saving money for the future, ELSS funds considerably outperform other tax-advantaged investment options. Additionally, they’re tax-savvy.

ELSS Mutual Funds are an excellent choice if you are looking for a tax-advantaged investing option.

Investing in mutual funds entails risk. For educational purposes solely, this article provides general information. You should always get the opinion of an expert in your individual circumstances before acting on any information. Before you take any action, you should consult with a qualified practitioner.

Is debt fund good for long term?

A long-term debt fund’s primary asset is long-term debt instruments such as corporate debentures, bonds, and money market instruments and government securities. Long-term debt funds are best for investors who plan to hold on to their money for more than three years. For this reason, this investment option should be reserved solely by individuals prepared to assume some level of risk.

Long-term debt funds are more susceptible to changes in interest rates than other types of debt funds, making them more volatile. There is an inverse link between interest rates and the pricing of debt instruments. Debt and bond funds benefit from lower interest rates, for example. Typically, long-term income funds are better off when interest rates are falling. As interest rates fall, bond prices rise, which increases the NAVs of the Debt fund schemes. Consequently,

The average maturity of these bonds can rise to 7-10 years in a scenario with lowering interest rates. This strategy keeps the portfolio’s average maturity at a low level while interest rates rise.

Investing in long-term bond funds is generally a good idea when interest rates are predicted to fall, as lower interest rates lead to an increase in long-term securities’ prices. Long-term debt funds should only be invested in by investors that are okay with variable interest rates in the market.

What are the types of debt funds?

There are three types of debt funds:

  • If you’re looking for a short-term investment vehicle, you’ll want to look at liquid funds. Debt instruments with floating interest rates can be invested in Floating Rate Funds.
  • Debt instruments with maturities of less than six months are the focus of ultra-short duration funds.