Where To Cash Government Bonds?

Savings bonds can be cashed in any bank for up to $1,000.

Paper bonds

Your bank or credit union should be able to cash in your paper savings bonds. If you’re going to a financial institution where you’re not a member or customer, check to see if they’ll cash your bond before you go.

Confirm what documents you’ll need to bring with you by contacting the bank. Here’s what you should bring with you in general.

It’s important to remember that bonds can’t be cashed by just anyone. Savings bonds can only be cashed by the bond owner or co-owner, which includes “survivors,” or those identified on the bond who received ownership after the original owner died. You are not the registered owner (a savings bond is nontransferable) and cannot cash in the bond if you purchased it through an auction site like eBay.

If the child is too young to sign the payment request and the child lives with the parent — or the parent has legal custody of the child — the parent may cash in the child’s savings bond.

Anyone else who wants to cash in a bond must show proof of legal authority to do so.

You’ll sign each bond and receive the cash value at the bank. The bank will either hand you a 1099 tax form or mail it to you before the end of the tax year after you’ve cashed in your bond.

Paper bonds can also be redeemed through the mail. To cash in by mail, obtain an FS Form 1522 from the US Department of Treasury, have your signature certified, then mail the form to the address shown on the form.

Electronic bonds

By connecting into your TreasuryDirect account and setting up a direct payment to your bank or savings account, you can cash in your electronic bonds. Within two business days, the cash amount may be credited to your bank account.

When is the best time to cash in my EE savings bonds?

In about 30 years, most savings bonds stop earning interest (or achieve maturity). A savings bond can be redeemed as soon as one year after purchase, but it’s normally best to wait at least five years so you don’t miss out on the last three months of interest. If you redeem a bond after 24 months, for example, you will only receive 21 months of interest. It’s usually better to wait until your bond reaches full maturity, depending on the interest rate and your individual financial demands.

What is the value of a $100 savings bond?

You will be required to pay half of the bond’s face value. For example, a $100 bond will cost you $50. Once you have the bond, you may decide how long you want to keep it for—anywhere from one to thirty years. You’ll have to wait until the bond matures to earn the full return of twice your initial investment (plus interest). While you can cash in a bond earlier, your return will be determined by the bond’s maturation schedule, which will increase over time.

The Treasury guarantees that Series EE savings bonds will achieve face value in 20 years, but Series I savings bonds have no such guarantee. Keep in mind that both attain their full potential value after 30 years.

Will Walmart accept savings bonds as payment?

No, you won’t be able to cash in your savings bonds at Walmart. This includes savings bonds in series I through EE and HH, according to Walmart’s corporate customer support department. Although, at Walmart’s Money Center, there are various check-cashing possibilities. Visit a local bank branch or credit union to redeem a savings bond. Two of the key advantages of investing in savings bonds are a guaranteed return and the reduction of risk.

Read this article to learn more about cash bonds, where you may cash them, and how to cash a paper or electronic bond.

Is it possible to cash savings bonds that are not in your name?

When it comes time to cash in your savings bonds, as long as you have the necessary documentation, the process will be relatively simple. It’s important to keep in mind that savings bonds cannot be sold, exchanged, or given away. The only person who can cash in the bond is the person whose name is on it (with a few exceptions, which we’ll discuss shortly).

First and first, you’ll need the bond (unless it’s an electronic bond, in which case there’s no step at all). The monies are deposited into your bank account once you cash it in via the Treasury Web site). However, make certain that the bond may be cashed: It’s been at least a year since it was published (some bonds only require a six-month retention period).

When cashing in savings bonds, how do I avoid paying taxes?

Cashing your EE or I bonds before maturity and using the money to pay for education is one strategy to avoid paying taxes on the bond interest. The interest will not be taxable if you follow these guidelines:

  • The bonds must be redeemed to pay for tuition and fees for you, your spouse, or a dependent, such as a kid listed on your tax return, at an undergraduate, graduate, or vocational school. The bonds can also be used to purchase a computer for yourself, a spouse, or a dependent. Room and board costs aren’t eligible, and grandparents can’t use this tax advantage to aid someone who isn’t classified as a dependent, such as a granddaughter.
  • The bond profits must be used to pay for educational expenses in the year when the bonds are redeemed.
  • High-earners are not eligible. For joint filers with modified adjusted gross incomes of more than $124,800 (more than $83,200 for other taxpayers), the interest exclusion begins to phase out and ceases when modified AGI reaches $154,800 ($98,200 for other filers).

The amount of interest you can omit is lowered proportionally if the profits from all EE and I bonds cashed in during the year exceed the qualified education expenditures paid that year.

After 30 years, what happens to EE bonds?

Interest is paid on EE bonds until they reach 30 years or you cash them in, whichever comes first. After a year, you can cash them in. However, if you cash them before the 5th year, you will forfeit the final three months’ interest.