When Was The Great Recession Over?

The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, making it the longest downturn since World War II. The Great Recession was particularly painful in various ways, despite its short duration. From its peak in 2007Q4 to its bottom in 2009Q2, real gross domestic product (GDP) plummeted 4.3 percent, the greatest drop in the postwar era (based on data as of October 2013). The unemployment rate grew from 5% in December 2007 to 9.5 percent in June 2009, before peaking at 10% in October 2009.

The financial repercussions of the Great Recession were also disproportionate: home prices plummeted 30% on average from their peak in mid-2006 to mid-2009, while the S&P 500 index dropped 57% from its peak in October 2007 to its trough in March 2009. The net worth of US individuals and charity organizations dropped from around $69 trillion in 2007 to around $55 trillion in 2009.

As the financial crisis and recession worsened, worldwide policies aimed at reviving economic growth were enacted. Like many other countries, the United States enacted economic stimulus measures that included a variety of government expenditures and tax cuts. The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 were two of these projects.

The Federal Reserve’s response to the financial crisis varied over time and included a variety of unconventional approaches. Initially, the Federal Reserve used “conventional” policy actions by lowering the federal funds rate from 5.25 percent in September 2007 to a range of 0-0.25 percent in December 2008, with the majority of the drop taking place between January and March 2008 and September and December 2008. The significant drop in those periods represented a significant downgrading in the economic outlook, as well as increasing downside risks to output and inflation (including the risk of deflation).

By December 2008, the federal funds rate had reached its effective lower bound, and the FOMC had begun to utilize its policy statement to provide future guidance for the rate. The phrasing mentioned keeping the rate at historically low levels “for some time” and later “for an extended period” (Board of Governors 2008). (Board of Governors 2009a). The goal of this guidance was to provide monetary stimulus through lowering the term structure of interest rates, raising inflation expectations (or lowering the likelihood of deflation), and lowering real interest rates. With the sluggish and shaky recovery from the Great Recession, the forward guidance was tightened by adding more explicit conditionality on specific economic variables such as inflation “low rates of resource utilization, stable inflation expectations, and tame inflation trends” (Board of Governors 2009b). Following that, in August 2011, the explicit calendar guidance of “At least through mid-2013, the federal funds rate will remain at exceptionally low levels,” followed by economic-threshold-based guidance for raising the funds rate from its zero lower bound, with the thresholds based on the unemployment rate and inflationary conditions (Board of Governors 2012). This forward guidance is an extension of the Federal Reserve’s conventional approach of influencing the funds rate’s current and future direction.

The Fed pursued two more types of policy in addition to forward guidance “During the Great Recession, unorthodox” policy initiatives were taken. Credit easing programs, as explored in more detail in “Federal Reserve Credit Programs During the Meltdown,” were one set of unorthodox policies that aimed to facilitate credit flows and lower credit costs.

The large scale asset purchase (LSAP) programs were another set of non-traditional policies. The asset purchases were done with the federal funds rate near zero to help lower longer-term public and private borrowing rates. The Federal Reserve said in November 2008 that it would buy US agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and debt issued by housing-related US government agencies (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan banks). 1 The asset selection was made in part to lower the cost and increase the availability of finance for home purchases. These purchases aided the housing market, which was at the heart of the crisis and recession, as well as improving broader financial conditions. The Fed initially planned to acquire up to $500 billion in agency MBS and $100 billion in agency debt, with the program being expanded in March 2009 and finished in 2010. The FOMC also announced a $300 billion program to buy longer-term Treasury securities in March 2009, which was completed in October 2009, just after the Great Recession ended, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. The Federal Reserve purchased approximately $1.75 trillion of longer-term assets under these programs and their expansions (commonly known as QE1), with the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet increasing by slightly less because some securities on the balance sheet were maturing at the same time.

However, real GDP is only a little over 4.5 percent above its prior peak as of this writing in 2013, and the jobless rate remains at 7.3 percent. With the federal funds rate at zero and the current recovery slow and sluggish, the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy plan has evolved in an attempt to stimulate the economy and meet its statutory mandate. The Fed has continued to change its communication policies and implement more LSAP programs since the end of the Great Recession, including a $600 billion Treasuries-only purchase program in 2010-11 (often known as QE2) and an outcome-based purchase program that began in September 2012. (in addition, there was a maturity extension program in 2011-12 where the Fed sold shorter-maturity Treasury securities and purchased longer-term Treasuries). Furthermore, the increasing attention on financial stability and regulatory reform, the economic consequences of the European sovereign debt crisis, and the restricted prospects for global growth in 2013 and 2014 reflect how the Great Recession’s fallout is still being felt today.

When did the Great Recession officially come to an end?

The failure of Lehman Brothers, the country’s fourth-largest investment bank, in September 2008 brought things to a climax later that year. The virus swiftly spread to other economies around the world, including Europe. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Great Recession resulted in the loss of more than 8.7 million jobs in the United States alone, forcing the unemployment rate to double. According to the US Department of the Treasury, American households lost nearly $19 trillion in net value as a result of the stock market crash. June 2009 was the formal end of the Great Recession.

What happened at the end of the Great Recession?

Congress passed the Struggling Asset Relief Scheme (TARP) to empower the US Treasury to implement a major rescue program for troubled banks. The goal was to avoid a national and global economic meltdown. To end the recession, ARRA and the Economic Stimulus Plan were passed in 2009.

Is there going to be a recession in 2021?

The US economy will have a recession, but not until 2022. More business cycles will result as a result of Federal Reserve policy, which many enterprises are unprepared for. The decline isn’t expected until 2022, but it might happen as soon as 2023.

Is a recession every seven years?

“Recessions follow expansions as nights follow days,” said Ruchir Sharma, Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s head of emerging markets and global macro. “Over the previous 50 years, we’ve had a worldwide recession once every seven to eight years.”

What triggered the 2008 Great Recession?

The Great Recession, which ran from December 2007 to June 2009, was one of the worst economic downturns in US history. The economic crisis was precipitated by the collapse of the housing market, which was fueled by low interest rates, cheap lending, poor regulation, and hazardous subprime mortgages.

What led to the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009?

The failure or risk of failure at major financial institutions around the world, beginning with the bailout of investment bank Bear Stearns in March 2008 and the failure of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, was the immediate or proximate cause of the crisis in 2008. Many of these institutions had invested in hazardous securities that lost a significant portion of their value when the housing bubbles in the United States and Europe deflated between 2007 and 2009, depending on the country. Furthermore, many institutions have become reliant on volatile short-term (overnight) funding markets.

Many financial institutions dropped credit requirements to keep up with global demand for mortgage securities, resulting in massive gains for their investors. They were also willing to share the risk. After the bubbles burst, global household debt levels skyrocketed after the year 2000. Families were reliant on the ability to refinance their mortgages. Furthermore, many American households had adjustable-rate mortgages, which had lower starting interest rates but ultimately increased payments. In the 2007-2008 period, when global credit markets basically stopped funding mortgage-related assets, U.S. homeowners were unable to refinance and defaulted in record numbers, resulting in the collapse of securities backed by these mortgages, which now saturated the system.

During 2007 and 2008, a drop in asset prices (such as subprime mortgage-backed securities) triggered a bank run in the United States, affecting investment banks and other non-depository financial institutions. Although it had developed in size to rival the bank system, it was not subject to the same regulatory safeguards. Insolvent banks in the United States and Europe reduced lending, resulting in a credit crunch. Consumers and certain governments were unable to borrow and spend at levels seen before to the crisis. Businesses also trimmed their workforces and cut back on investments when demand slowed. Increased unemployment as a result of the crisis made it more difficult for customers and countries to keep their promises. This resulted in a surge in financial institution losses, exacerbating the credit crunch and creating an unfavorable feedback loop.

In September 2010, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testified about the causes of the financial crisis. He wrote that shocks or triggers (i.e., specific events that triggered the crisis) were magnified by vulnerabilities (i.e., structural deficiencies in the financial system, regulation, and supervision). Losses on subprime mortgage securities, which began in 2007, and a run on the shadow banking system, which began in mid-2007 and significantly hampered the operation of money markets, were two examples of triggers. Financial institutions’ reliance on unstable short-term funding sources such as repurchase agreements (Repos); corporate risk management deficiencies; excessive use of leverage (borrowing to invest); and inappropriate use of derivatives as a tool for taking excessive risks were all examples of vulnerabilities in the private sector. Regulatory gaps and conflicts amongst regulators, inadequate use of regulatory authority, and ineffective crisis management capacities are all examples of vulnerabilities in the public sector. Bernanke also spoke about institutions that are “too big to fail,” monetary policy, and trade deficits.

The elements that created the crisis were ranked in order of significance by economists polled by the University of Chicago. 1) Inadequate financial sector regulation and oversight; 2) Underestimating risks in financial engineering (e.g., CDOs); 3) Mortgage fraud and improper incentives; 4) Short-term funding decisions and corresponding market runs (e.g., repo); and 5) Credit rating agency errors were among the findings.

Was the 2008 recession ever fully recovered?

Although the recession ended in the second quarter of 2009, the economy of the United States remained in “economic malaise” in the second quarter of 2011. The post-recession years have been dubbed the “weakest recovery” since the Great Depression and World War II, according to some experts. One analyst dubbed the sluggish recovery a “Zombie Economy,” because it was neither dead nor living. Household incomes continued to decline after the recession ended in August 2012, falling 7.2 percent below the December 2007 level. Furthermore, long-term unemployment reached its highest level since World War II in September 2012, while the unemployment rate peaked many months after the crisis ended (10.1 percent in October 2009) and remained above 8% until September 2012. (7.8 percent ). From December 2008 to December 2015, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates at a historically low 0.25 percent, before starting to raise them again.

The Great Recession, however, was distinct from all previous recessions in that it included a banking crisis and the de-leveraging (debt reduction) of highly indebted people. According to research, recovery from financial crises can take a long time, with long periods of high unemployment and poor economic development. In August 2011, economist Carmen Reinhart stated: “It takes around seven years to deleverage your debt… And you tend to expand by 1 to 1.5 percentage points less in the decade after a catastrophic financial crisis, since the previous decade was powered by a boom in private borrowing, and not all of that growth was real. After a dip, the unemployment figures in advanced economies are likewise pretty bleak. Unemployment is still around five percentage points higher than it was a decade ago.”

Several of the economic headwinds that hindered the recovery were explained by then-Fed Chair Ben Bernanke in November 2012:

  • Because the housing sector was seriously harmed during the crisis, it did not recover as it had in previous recessions. Due to a huge number of foreclosures, there was a large excess of properties, and consumers preferred to pay down their loans rather than buy homes.
  • As banks paid down their obligations, credit for borrowing and spending by individuals (or investing by firms) was scarce.
  • Following initial stimulus attempts, government expenditure restraint (i.e. austerity) was unable to counteract private sector shortcomings.

For example, federal expenditure in the United States increased from 19.1 percent of GDP in fiscal year (FY) 2007 to 24.4 percent in FY2009 (President Bush’s final budget year), before declining to 20.4 percent GDP in 2014, closer to the historical average. Despite a historical trend of an approximately 5% annual increase, government spending was significantly higher in 2009 than it was in 2014. Between Q3 2010 and Q2 2014, this slowed real GDP growth by about 0.5 percent per quarter on average. It was a recipe for a delayed recovery if both people and the government practiced austerity at the same time.

Several key economic variables (e.g., job level, real GDP per capita, stock market, and household net worth) reached their lowest point (trough) in 2009 or 2010, after which they began to rise, recovering to pre-recession (2007) levels between late 2012 and May 2014 (close to Reinhart’s prediction), indicating that all jobs lost during the recession were recovered. In 2012, real median household income hit a low of $53,331 before rising to an all-time high of $59,039 by 2016. The gains made during the recovery, on the other hand, were extremely unequally distributed. According to economist Emmanuel Saez, from 2009 to 2015, the top 1% of families accounted for 52% of total real income (GDP) increase per family. Following the tax increases on higher-income individuals in 2013, the gains were more fairly divided. According to the Federal Reserve, median household net worth peaked around $140,000 in 2007, dropped to $84,000 in 2013, and only partially recovered to $97,000 in 2016. When the housing bubble burst, middle-class families lost a large portion of their wealth, contributing to most of the downturn.

In the years following the Great Recession (20082012), the growth of healthcare costs in the United States declined. At this time, the rate of rise in aggregate hospital costs was slowed due to lower inflation and fewer hospital stays per population. Surgical stays slowed the most, whereas maternal and neonatal stays slowed the least.

As of December 2014, President Obama pronounced the rescue actions that began under the Bush Administration and continued under his Administration to be completed and generally beneficial. When interest on loans is taken into account, the government had fully recovered bailout monies as of January 2018. Various rescue initiatives resulted in a total of $626 billion being invested, borrowed, or awarded, with $390 billion being repaid to the Treasury. The Treasury has made a profit of $87 billion by earning another $323 billion in interest on rescue loans.

Who profited from the financial crisis of 2008?

Warren Buffett declared in an op-ed piece in the New York Times in October 2008 that he was buying American stocks during the equity downturn brought on by the credit crisis. “Be scared when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful,” he says, explaining why he buys when there is blood on the streets.

During the credit crisis, Mr. Buffett was particularly adept. His purchases included $5 billion in perpetual preferred shares in Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS), which earned him a 10% interest rate and contained warrants to buy more Goldman shares. Goldman also had the option of repurchasing the securities at a 10% premium, which it recently revealed. He did the same with General Electric (NYSE:GE), purchasing $3 billion in perpetual preferred stock with a 10% interest rate and a three-year redemption option at a 10% premium. He also bought billions of dollars in convertible preferred stock in Swiss Re and Dow Chemical (NYSE:DOW), which all needed financing to get through the credit crisis. As a result, he has amassed billions of dollars while guiding these and other American businesses through a challenging moment. (Learn how he moved from selling soft drinks to acquiring businesses and amassing billions of dollars.) Warren Buffett: The Road to Riches is a good place to start.)

Who is responsible for the 2008 Great Recession?

The Lenders are the main perpetrators. The mortgage originators and lenders bear the brunt of the blame. That’s because they’re the ones that started the difficulties in the first place. After all, it was the lenders who made loans to persons with bad credit and a high chance of default. 7 This is why it happened.